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Weird bug..

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I really don't know how to fix this..


1. 3 traps aren't working (can't activate them), but they worked before


2. A simple script for endroom (removing a wooden block), you can't activate it


3. Can't teleport to the bounce room.




Yes I tried in radiant to delete those use_touch triggers and to place a new one, I checked the names even though. Can please someone help me? The map should've been released by now, and now I am getting dumb bugs.



Thanks for reading,





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I really don't know.. the map compiles and the scripts worked before. Really a weird bug :rage:


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Is anything from the script working at all?


Yes everything works except those 4 triggers..


and the 3 traps worked before though


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in another thread you said you are using trigger use touch, make sure the trigs are big enuff and you are touching them when trying to activate the traps


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in another thread you said you are using trigger use touch, make sure the trigs are big enuff and you are touching them when trying to activate the traps


They are bigger then the players it self, is that enough ?..


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They are bigger then the players it self, is that enough ?..

That is pretty big 0___o. Try uploading your console text. That can help people figure it out.


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Fixed it with Robin,


Robin saw that I forgot to put thread at 2 traps :P


:Facepalm: me


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