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[W.I.P] mp_dr_neveragain

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Hey guys! Dead mapper here, bring you more shitty maps :dumb: , this time i'm making a map, just to remember some things and because I had random ideas and just started building, next thing i know I have an 3 traps and rooms for jumpers and activator :dave: . No theme, simple map, simple design... simple.



Screenshots -



I know it's not much, but until it's released, give me critics and suggestions!


A lot of things are not completed as you can assume in the pictures (I think :dave: )



Changelog -



- Changed Last trap, have more space now, meaning harder to get to the switch to activate bridge...wait wut bridge :o (2nd Pic)

- Changed Fire Effect (Less light)

- Fixed "floating surfaces" Errors while compiling



Suggestions Accepted -

- Do not add bounce/sniper/knife room


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Reminds me of Darkness mixed with long :dave:

Anyways, looks interesting so far

Can't wait to give it a try

Regarding suggestions and so forth, nothing wrong with having simple layout/theme/textures

Please just focus on making the traps themselves unique and challenging ;)

Be it a whole new idea never done before or a special twist/concept added to common traps to ramp up the difficulty along with making a new experience

Good luck with finishing the map


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Good to see you back making a map, God. I shall be waiting to rate this :motherofgod:


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:O Thank you guys, I'm currently scripting some traps now (that's my favorite part)!


Out of nowhere I compiled the map again, and it's frigging brighter now :dumb:


Also I would like to ask you guys, what you DON'T want too see in my map! To make a good map, you need feedback, and before I start building stuff, for example, like those normal spikes traps, or vanishing with no effects traps or add endrooms you don't want or like? Appreciate comments that will help this map get better.


I'll be updating first post with my progress, and not post every time i have an update >.< 



Ciao Ciao :)


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:o Thank you guys, I'm currently scripting some traps now (that's my favorite part)!


Out of nowhere I compiled the map again, and it's frigging brighter now :dumb:


Also I would like to ask you guys, what you DON'T want too see in my map! To make a good map, you need feedback, and before I start building stuff, for example, like those normal spikes traps, or vanishing with no effects traps or add endrooms you don't want or like? Appreciate comments that will help this map get better.


I'll be updating first post with my progress, and not post every time i have an update >.< 



Ciao Ciao :)


Sniper, and fucking bounce rooms


no, just no.


Old only pl0x


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Well, again, nothing wrong with having basic traps as long as you add something unique to them which makes it challenging and refreshing

If you would like examples/ideas/concepts, would be happy to provide

Would like to see no end rooms besides old, unless it being a last jumper only room such as Destroyedv3 or Factory (Updated version)

Edit: Well, guess would also like to see no addition of CJ secrets (Unless resulting in death at the end ;) ) or long activator area

What I mean by this, such as the issue is present in Bricky and Long, if jumpers speed past the activator, he/she has very little chance catching back up to the jumpers and activating on them


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If you add a nonsolid trap, I kill the chicken.

If you add knife/sniper/bounce rooms, I kill the chicken.

If you add a CJ secret, I kill the chicken.

If it's difficult for the activator to activate on the jumpers (whether it be being too slow etc.), I kill the chicken.

If I don't see some cool unique stuff, I kill the chicken.

Do you want the chicken to die punk? Do ya feel lucky? Punk?


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If you add a nonsolid trap, I kill the chicken.

If you add knife/sniper/bounce rooms, I kill the chicken.

If you add a CJ secret, I kill the chicken.

If it's difficult for the activator to activate on the jumpers (whether it be being too slow etc.), I kill the chicken.

If I don't see some cool unique stuff, I kill the chicken.

Do you want the chicken to die punk? Do ya feel lucky? Punk?



:horror:  My This guy means business, I will do as you say human!  :sir:


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