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Awaiting Challenges 1...

3 posts in this topic

Hey, I have an interesting problem that i havent been able to figure out..


when i /devmap my map it gets stuck at awaiting challenges 1 and I have to cntrl alt delete out of it.



my map compiled fine, from what I see
it gets stuck at "Awaiting Challenge" if I start server
I run my own test mod (Works fine for any other map)

Now, here's an interesting little bit of info:

-I took the map and and selected all of the brushes and then copied it over to a different map, and changed it to mp_dr instead of mp_deathrun, and the map still doesn't work.

Very weird as I've never see this problem occur before.

I can't pull down console, so I can't see if theres a specific error occurring with the map. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a script compile error somehow, but as far as i can see I do not get any errors.


//    I =======================================================================I
//    I				Map made for all servers © 2014 8/12/14 All rights reservedI
//	  I							Deathrun_hardcore™                             I
//	  I			Map made by Synd         |        Synd's 3rd map...........	   I	
//    I   							xfire: synd555                             I
//    I========================================================================I
//    I                             Credits                              	   I
//    I========================================================================I
//    I                       scripted by:  Synd                        	   I
//    I                        				   								   I
//    I		<Need any help with scripting? Send me a question! xfire synd555>  I																   I
//    I =======================================================================I

/*Map made by Synd, feel free to use any scripts :) Credit would be appreciated*/
//Hardcore Deathrun Features:: << Old school old only - Unique traps - nice detail

 level.gas = loadFX("custom/gas");
 level.trap3 = loadFX("custom/trap3");
    game["allies"] = "marines";
    game["axis"] = "opfor";
    game["attackers"] = "axis";
    game["defenders"] = "allies";
    game["allies_soldiertype"] = "desert";
    game["axis_soldiertype"] = "desert";

setDvar("g_speed", 190);	
thread trap1();	
thread teleporter();
thread platform();
thread startdoor();
thread spinners();
thread trap2();
thread trap2_2();
thread trap3();

trap1 ()
	trap1 = getent ("trap1","targetname");
	trig1 = getent ("trig1","targetname");
	trig1 waittill("trigger");
		trap1 movez (-168, 4 );
		wait 6;
        trap1 movez (168, 2 );
	tele = getEnt ( "teleporter", "targetname" );
	target = getEnt ( "target", "targetname" );
		tele waittill ( "trigger", player );
		player setOrigin( target.origin );
		player setPlayerangles( target.angles );
		wait 0.05;
		player playLocalSound("mp_enemy_obj_captured");

platform ()
	platform = getent ("catnoob","targetname");
		platform movex (888, 6 );
		platform waittill("movedone");
        platform movex (-888, 6 );
		platform waittill("movedone");
	startdoor ()
	startdoor = getent ("startdoor","targetname");

		wait 15;
		startdoor movez (500, 10 );

	spinners ()
	s1 = getent ("spinners1","targetname");
	s2 = getent ("spinners2","targetname");
	s3 = getent ("spinners3","targetname");
		s3 rotateyaw (360, 5 );
		s2 rotateyaw (-360, 5);
        s3 rotateyaw (360, 5 );
	trap2 ()
	trap2_kill = getent ("trap2_kill","targetname");
	trap2_origin = getent ("trap2_origin","targetname");
	trap2_slow = getent ("trap2_slow","targetname");
	trig2 = getent ("trig2","targetname");
	trig2 waittill("trigger");
		trap2_kill movez (112, 1);
		trap2_slow movez (112, 1);
        trap2_origin = PlayLoopedFX(level.gas, trap2_origin.origin);
		wait 10;
		trap2_kill movez (-500, 1);
		trap2_slow movez (-500, 1);
		trap2_origin hide();
	trap2_slow = getent ("trap2_slow","targetname");
	trap2_slow waittill("trigger", player);
	player setClientDvar("g_speed", 30);
		trap3 ()
	trap3 = getent ("trap3","targetname");
	trap3_origin = getent ("trap3_origin","targetname");
	trig3 = getent ("trig3","targetname");
	trig3 waittill("trigger");
        trap3_origin = PlayFX(level.trap3, trap3_origin.origin);
		trap3 hide();
		trap3 notsolid();
		wait 3;
		trap3_origin = PlayFX(level.trap3, trap3_origin.origin);
		trap3 show();
		trap3 solid();
		wait 5;
		trap3_origin = PlayFX(level.trap3, trap3_origin.origin);
		trap3 hide();
		trap3 notsolid();
		wait 5;
		trap3_origin = PlayFX(level.trap3, trap3_origin.origin);
		trap3 show();
		trap3 solid();
		wait 15;

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Did you also read your console_mp.log and games_mp.log files?

Most info is probably in there


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Looked in the console_mp, and figured out it was just a script compile error, nub syntax error. Fixed and working now. Thanks! :D


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