
[WIP] mp_dr_downfall

8 posts in this topic

Hello Raid, I'm posting my map "downfall" here because I would like to here some suggestions on it, nothing is set in stone. I still have a lot of work that I need to do on it


including lights, acti area, some endrooms, possibly map name, and others. By the way, I'm new to mapping/scripting so go easy on me with the criticism, so no "this map is


awful" type comments please ^_^  I'm here for constructive ideas that will help improve my mapping ability and improve my map overall  :) Some things I'm not sure about


are whether or not I should keep the whole downhill thing in my map, where I should put the acti area because I'm not liking it above the map, which is shown in the


screenshots below, or on the side because it required me to have tons of small "acti platforms" with numerous teleports, overall it didn't look quite good, and also whether


or not I should leave the jumper area open or close it with walls but if I were to add walls to the map I feel they'd look bad since they'd need to be slanted since the map is


going downhill. Anyways just some thoughts I'm having, but here are the screenshots. 


















No harsh posts, I'm delicate like a flower :unsure:




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Perhaps you could try and be realistic with some of the brushes, but adding supports and making them so they aren't floating. You could also texture each edge of the floor in a different texture, so if it's rock, maybe do the edges are worn down rock, like when you see a broken rock, the inside texture is a lot darker than the outside (in most cases).


A lot of people will give you better advice, I am awful at giving improvement advice <_<


Good luck :ph34r:


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Map looks all right for a first, try giving it a theme and adding models and textures that fit this theme.

Try your best to make things not float, make it realistic 3=


In this picture, surround the endroom in another, new skybox (shrink the current skybox so it doesn't still cover the endroom) and when you do that, from the map you won't be able to see the bounce room and from the bounce room, you can't see the map ;)


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Your map looks pretty good. I can't think of one idea or a suggestion, but looks pretty good to me  :D


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:( I thought this was gonna be a ww2 map but anyways I guess its nice for a 1st map. But its floating so ye follow what jwofles has told you and you're golden !


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:( I thought this was gonna be a ww2 map but anyways I guess its nice for a 1st map. But its floating so ye follow what jwofles has told you and you're golden !


I am ;) , and I'll be changing the name I think. 


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I am ;) , and I'll be changing the name I think. 

I think downfall is more of a ww2 theme


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