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Help with exploding pieces of wood

15 posts in this topic

Hello there,


Since I am new to scripting and want to make a better map from now on.. I got some (rare original trap ideas) and with rare I mean these traps being used maybe in 1-2 maps. Anyways, I want to explode the woods and that the pieces are gone and they die from the explosion and others fall in the water.



Here is the picture:




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This might help.


Anyway, use google for help! It is your friend, you believe or not!


I hope you knew that I tried Google as first option.. otherwise I found it.


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I hope you knew that I tried Google as first option.. otherwise I found it.

Well, just giving you advice you would have given someone else who made a help thread

Being that you tried google and searching for it first, then being annoyed when Echo told you to do what you have already done, hopefully you'll take such into future consideration when responding to those who create their own help threads

Anyways, sure someone will help you sooner or later


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Well, just giving you advice you would have given someone else who made a help thread

Being that you tried google and searching for it first, then being annoyed when Echo told you to do what you have already done, hopefully you'll take such into future consideration when responding to those who create their own help threads

Anyways, sure someone will help you sooner or later




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Get a wood model, open up fx editor, look for any effects that involve a brick and change it to wood.


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This is off my memory but I believe there's one called 'brick_chunk' that should do nicely


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much easier :D (thanks to poysers help)

    trig = getEnt( "explodenwoods_trig", "targetname" );
	explodenwoods = getEnt( "explodenwoods", "targetname" );
	exp = getent ("exp" ,"targetname"); //origin of explo
	sound = getEnt( "exp_sound", "targetname" );//trigger
	trig setHintString("^1Explode^7!");
	trig waittill("trigger", user);
	trig setHintString("^2Activated!");
	sound playsound("artillery_impact");
	EarthQuake( 2.3, 2.3, exp.origin, 3100 );
	wait .5;
	explodenwoods delete();

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That's literally what we told you to do just with a different effect....


I thought totaly something else what you guys said lol, anyways ty for help :P


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I'm just going to say this in a polite way, but if you do not know the basics of GSC scripting. Please, for the love of do not tell other people that what you just did is different to what Poyser gave you. The only differences are that you have an explosion and they were telling you to add chunks of wood flying everywhere instead and Poyser gave you an earthquake script.



Lemme dumb this down just in case you didn't understand.



They told you to add an FX that makes wood chunks fly everywhere upon activation.



You added an explosion FX instead and Poyser gave you an earthquake.



Do you see where I'm going with this? Either way, both sides of this were to add an FX.



If I'm correct, you asked for help on to make exploding pieces of wood, and that is what Sentrex actually gave you, because it is all you wrote as the title. So next time you consider asking for help please do not throw away other people's suggestions and then try to tell them what they gave you is wrong. 


PS, thank you Lossy for teaching me how to link members in a text :dave:


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ALSO. I have just realised something new. You made a help topic, asking for help. And then the "Best answer" for this topic; WAS YOUR OWN.


Correct me if I'm mistaken anyone but if this is just like Yahoo answers, then the person that made the topic (question) is the one who sets the best answer.


So if this is correct, you gave yourself best answer ;_;


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Locked due to it being answered... And we don't want to start any arguments.


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