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LightMap Error

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Hello, I need some help with this error I seem to get with my map all the time now. Never got this error ever before but now when I create a brush, can be any random brush, but in this case its when I'm adding walls on the side of my map. I added a straight brush, and when I save and compile I get this error "Lightmap 523x75 is larger than 512x512; need a sampleScale of at least 1.1" I have no idea what to do or what it means. I delete it and recompile and don't get the error anymore, but as soon as I add it in the same place I get the error. Any help would be appreciated! 


Thanks, Ryan


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One brush in your map is too long / huge, cut it a few times.

But what I don't understand is that I have brushes that are much longer than this one and I don't get errors from them O.o


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Try selecting the brush and pressing S and clicking LMAP. Back in one of my old WIPs I had a similar problem and that fixed it


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Beatthat's way worked, if I run into the problem again with the same brushes I'll try out your way darmuh. Thanks guys :)


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