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Deathrun Situation

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So I'm very disappointed with the present situation at the Deathrun server.

Now its like this: its free round after free round after free round. And there goes the round where I'm the activator and I activate. Then I'm called with names you can figure out, none of them are nice. And if anyone swear at me or something and I give him a warn, then I'm public enemy n1.

So I call you out players of Raid Deathrun!


If you do not agree with me, CodJumper is always there, you can join Raid's CJ server.


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It's there choice whether or not to give Free, FFF, or activate.


There are no rules on raid about activating - even though it is ENCOURAGED. This aint FNRP m8, people dont get banned for it.


Admins job is to warn / stop the people who flame at the acti, then its settled usually.


Dont really see the point of this topic bro, it's their choice to acti or not, the players will complain no matter what :3




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I know its their choice, but the DR is not about running through the map and killing the acti in a fancy endroom.


It is boring without activating and thats why I did this topic.


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I know its there choice, but the DR is not about running through the map and killing the acti at a fancy endroom.


It is boring without activating and thats why I did this topic.


i agree, but nothing really can be done without enforcing rules e.g. "you must activate" which tbh i dont think the community would like 


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i just tell them i will ban their ass if they give free , works everytime :dumb:


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I do agree with you Echo, lately it has been free and free, while I don't mind it 1 or 2 rounds, it's getting quite stupid with it being 90% of the map being free. and as you said being insulted after activating has been happening a lot. 




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There really isn't anything you can do to not make people give free 100% of the time. It's their choice to do play the game the way they want. It's sad though to see that this is what the community of deathrun has now come to  :( . 


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Death run gets boring as hell when players give ''free run''. The mod is starting to get boring for me and for some other people.


I just wish this ''free run'' bullsh*t never existed. Sadly, It's their choice If they want to give ''free''. We can't do basically nothing about it except to tell them to activate. 


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Give atleast 1-2 players a chance to finish the map, the rest may die :>


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Auto activation if no traps are activated after a certain amount of time? :dave:


Give atleast 1-2 players a chance to finish the map, the rest may die :>



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Auto activation if no traps are activated after a certain amount of time? :dave:



It's their choice whether or not to give Free, FFF, or activate.


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Have not seen much of this on raid, but I guess since I'm less active that may be why

Activators have a job, which is to kill all jumpers using their traps

That's the point of the mod and description of the activator himself/herself

However, has never been a rule or required to activate on almost every server

If players wish to play the mod their way and it's not breaking the rules of server with such said mod, then they should be allowed to so

Encouraging players to activate in the server itself would be better than just making a thread about it where most people viewing it already activates on jumpers

I suppose those who see this can encourage those in the server as well to activate, but personally don't see this helping a majority in which are viewing it

Regarding jumpers insulting activator, our jobs as admins to correct them and punish accordingly if needed

Someone will always be there to complain about activators activating, that's the way it's been for years and has no sign of dying all together

Sure, has been less instances of such, but you can't fully stop people who want to complain about activators

Even those doing so in none rule breaking manner will from time to time

Still see regular players doing it (Although, mostly in joking manner)


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Pixel, they'll just activate after the jumper finishes, plus they'll get more EXP! Woo hoo! More EXP, an epic nooby snipe room, and free run! :D


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Pixel, they'll just activate after the jumper finishes, plus they'll get more EXP! Woo hoo! More EXP, an epic nooby snipe room, and free run! :D

There's a way past that with scripting some more into it. If traps aren't activated within a certain amount of time.


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This is why I made my idea public so people can think of ways around so I can work around it :)


@Cat, when the jumper finishes, it deletes the endroom availability script and prints an "iPrintLnBold" saying "Activator was too late activating traps"



EDIT: Or implement a time limit. Like Zack said.


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Something like this

timelimit() //Structure
trigger = getent("acti","targetname");
trigger waittill("trigger");
endrooms = getent("endroomsallowed","targetname");
(Countdown code here)
if(countdown = 0) //You get the idea
endrooms delete();

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i know im not admin but anyways we should not give free runs because people have a better chance of making the map and by the way its (Death)Run Not (Free)Run


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