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Form Submission: Admin Applications

10 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?: George
What is your in-game name?: iAmDynxmic
How old are you?: 16
What is your primary server?: Both
What is your B3 CID?: @386
What is your Xfire?: iAmDynxmic
What is your Skype?: iAmCentral
What is your Steam?: iAmDynxmic
What is your Origin?: iAmDynxmic
What makes you a good admin?: I would like to be an Admin for the Raid-Gaming server , because i play daily on the server , and im very vigilant and i believe that i can be here on the sever to keep the gaming on this server safe and as hacker free as possible.
What skills do you have?: I make custom backgrounds and personal GFX's for other people and im going to start a programming and Cisco networking class in my junior year which is next year , and im a A and B student with a GPA of 3.50
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I have only attended the FISH clan
Why should we choose you?: I would like to be an Admin for the Raid-Gaming server , because i play daily on the server , and im very vigilant and i believe that i can be here on the sever to keep the gaming on this server safe and as hacker free as possible.

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Decent player

Has good intentions, although at times can come off as offensive

Good luck


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Late reply, but with your recent behavior  on our teamspeak I feel as you're not ready to even be trailed as part of our admin team.





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