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My apologies to you all

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Hey there,


I want to say sorry what you need to bring with me in these times.. As you see many noticed I got a bad reputation now (heavily bad one), I don't know exactly why that is maybe because I go with arguments or is it because I am religious , well I don't know.


I thought I can bring a fun time here like at but it seems to be like its going worse and worse. 


Yes I do say things what I don't like what it comes to a argument quickly, but thats because I want to keep things right at some things sometimes. 


ANYWAYS, but I do feel sorry about you guys because I make the most time trouble with you guys. And I also want that you guys to post here what you think about me, just say it don't feel sorry, I am not a kid who will cry about a true thing, it might maybe hurt a bit but who cares? I don't know you in real life so what. And maybe with those informations I can prevent arguments or other such stuff..




Anyways, sorry to you and see ya.


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First off, thank you Bosnian for your valiant attempt at restoring your reputation within these forums. I believe it is a very difficult thing for a human to recognise the faults within themselves and for you to try and come to terms with them is brave of you, especially considering the multitude of problems present in you.

However, I struggled for a VERY long time to come up with an alternative to downvoting your "thought-through" post because I am holding back on worthless downvotes recently, as a result of the bickering and fussing that inevitably ensues. I decided it was best to leave it and write this to describe my feelings towards your post, however unnecessary it is.

The reason why I struggled so hard is because of how you foolishly decided to bring religion back into the equation when you very clearly saw just how much shit it got you into. You NEED to sit down and ponder on your ignorance and how you are going to fix it.

What makes it worse, how am I not supposed to believe that this may be yet another grab for attention? Nothing more than drawing people's attention towards YOU just because you don't get enough of it in reality.

And lastly, the fact that you thought you could write a letter of apologies so lacksadaisically and expect us to accept it is nothing more than a testament to how ignorant you really are.



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*All muslims bad! let them burn! let them explode their selves! ETC ETC* If I want I can bring 100 things about christians what are doing the same


You see you posted that shit again...but anyways hope u have learnt now


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First off, thank you Bosnian for your valiant attempt at restoring your reputation within these forums. I believe it is a very difficult thing for a human to recognise the faults within themselves and for you to try and come to terms with them is brave of you, especially considering the multitude of problems present in you.


However, I struggled for a VERY long time to come up with an alternative to downvoting your "thought-through" post as I am holding back on worthless downvotes recently, as a result of the bickering and fussing that inevitably ensues. I decided it was best to leave it and write this to describe my feelings towards your post, however unnecessary it is.  


The reason why I struggled so hard is because of how you foolishly decided to bring religion back into the equation when you very clearly saw just how much shit it got you into. You NEED to sit down and ponder on your ignorance and how you are going to fix it. 


What makes it worse, how am I not supposed to believe that this may be yet another grab for attention? Nothing more than drawing people's attention towards YOU just because you don't get enough of it in reality. 


And lastly, the fact that you thought you could write a letter of apologies so lacksadaisically  and expect us to accept it is nothing more than a testament to how ignorant you really are.





1. Why am I ignorant now?..


2. I am not a attention guy


3. Read the message again at my first post at this thread,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, better now?


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Bosnian, I've explained to you why you are ignorant and even suggested ways to help you with it, but the very fact that you are ignorant, means it's difficult for you to understand that you are ignorant. :dave:


I appreciate you editing/fixing your original post, even though it doesn't magically make everything you said go away and not matter anymore, contrary to your current belief. Furthermore, it makes my original post look stupid and irrelevant to your edited post. 


Anyways, I don't see why you didn't leave religion out in the first place, even as far back as on the shoutbox, and accept that everyone has different feelings and opinions. Who knows? You might actually gain some respect on these forums...


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Even in your apology, you still try to defend your actions in which we all know were incorrect to begin with

From my point of view, instead of being a sincere apology, it's more of "I'm sorry guys, but here are the reasons why I did such and should somewhat excuse what I've done"

Not only that, you as well furthermore brought religion into it when such isn't needed

This is your apology thread in which you should take full responsibility for your actions, not where you make excuses

Anyways, you may be religious, however that isn't the reason why some people may not be exactly kind towards you

The fact that you constantly link things to religion and try to correct those joking around comes off rather annoying for some people

It's alright to be religious and open about it, however, it's not alright to make something out of nothing resulting in arguments and conflicts

People don't like having religion and so forth forced upon them, even less so when there's no reason for such to be brought up

Faults are something everyone has, that's life and no avoiding that

However, you will need to address your faults and take full responsibility for them before you can start working on "fixing" them

Again, just saw excuses along with you, stating yourself, you were not fully sure why people don't like you

You are not a bad person nor "hated" in this community

You just need to work on your mistakes

However you do this, be it: Your religion, family, friends, self motivation and awareness, this is something that you have to work on

Not only for gaming and sites, but for your life as well

Anyways, perhaps later when you make a sincere one, but for the moment not accepting your apology



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Even in your apology, you still try to defend your actions in which we all know were incorrect to begin with

From my point of view, instead of being a sincere apology, it's more of "I'm sorry guys, but here are the reasons why I did such and should somewhat excuse what I've done"

Not only that, you as well furthermore brought religion into it when such isn't needed

This is your apology thread in which you should take full responsibility for your actions, not where you make excuses

Anyways, you may be religious, however that isn't the reason why some people may not be exactly kind towards you

The fact that you constantly link things to religion and try to correct those joking around comes off rather annoying for some people

It's alright to be religious and open about it, however, it's not alright to make something out of nothing resulting in arguments and conflicts

People don't like having religion and so forth forced upon them, even less so when there's no reason for such to be brought up

Faults are something everyone has, that's life and no avoiding that

However, you will need to address your faults and take full responsibility for them before you can start working on "fixing" them

Again, just saw excuses along with you, stating yourself, you were not fully sure why people don't like you

You are not a bad person nor "hated" in this community

You just need to work on your mistakes

However you do this, be it: Your religion, family, friends, self motivation and awareness, this is something that you have to work on

Not only for gaming and sites, but for your life as well

Anyways, perhaps later when you make a sincere one, but for the moment not accepting your apology



I take fully  responsibility for what I've did. In real life I am not like this, I don't know why I am over the internet like this but ok. I mostly make easily friends over internet/real life. But I will throw the religion part out of gaming/community/forums.. although you got very good sentences in a religion but yeah.


And I got self motivation and I am ofc good with friends and family.



And yes I am hated in this community. And I got no excuses at all..


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Bosnian, maybe it's time to stop arguing on a thread that you started in the first place.

And no, you are not hated, you are just not respected simply because it is very difficult to respect someone with a very low standard of English. Especially the way you seem to word your sentences, it makes you come across as a worse person that I'm sure you are irl.

By saying you have no excuses is just being a major hypocrite because as Anti said, your first post was puking excuses out left, right and center.

"And I got self motivation and I am ofc good with friends and family." I believe you with that as you probably wouldn't be friends with them if you weren't "good" with them in the first place :dumb: .


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Honestly Bosnian



And no, you are not hated, you are just not respected simply because it is very difficult to respect someone with a very low standard of English. Especially the way you seem to word your sentences, it makes you come across as a worse person that I'm sure you are irl. 


By saying you have no excuses is just being a major hypocrite because as Anti said, your first post was puking excuses out left, right and center.


"And I got self motivation and I am ofc good with friends and family." I believe you with that as you probably wouldn't be friends with them if you weren't "good" with them in the first place  :dumb: . 



1. Stop already saying by (I'm sure you are in real life..), you don't even know me in real life.


2. It is possible of my low english, I don't got a low standard english otherwise I wouldn't talk properly, I don't know what for you low standard english is but that makes no sense for me and others.


Yes my english is bad but it isn't that low, I still learn english by the days, and I speak 3 languages too.. (Bosnian/Dutch and English). You think that is a excuse but it is quite hard sometimes to switch from other to another language.



Anyways, I shouldn't make never this thread. There comes only arguments more and more about how I am in "real life", dude Internet and Real life is a total other thing.


If I need to compare internet and real life then:


1. In real life you are more carefully then on the internet.

2. On the internet you got more confidence then in real life



In real life, I am actually a bit shy person when it comes to new strange people talking, and to the ladies even more. I actually grow more up with internet then being outside now, till 10 years old I was mostly playing outside with friends but thats the past now, everyone is now on the internet and me to and by the years I was maybe 2-3 times at my friends house and the reason because of that, is that they live damn about 12 km from me.. 


I got no friends here at this village because they were always doucebags at school because I was a stranger from a other land.. I had only 1 friend and he was a stranger from outside aswell we grow up with each other and now apart grown.


I think the main problem is that I don't know how to talk with people properly because I am mostly at my Laptop, my mother says that aswell.. You don't know how to talk properly with people in general, you need to say this but you say it in detour, while you can say immediately at that point.




Now you know me more a little bit, and yes I sound very silly now but I don't care.


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I want you to think, not think and then post, just think about what you just said. You are telling me to stop talking about real life when all you did in this:

I take fully responsibility for what I've did. In real life I am not like this, I don't know why I am over the internet like this but ok. I mostly make easily friends over internet/real life. But I will throw the religion part out of gaming/community/forums.. although you got very good sentences in a religion but yeah.

And I got self motivation and I am ofc good with friends and family.

And yes I am hated in this community. And I got no excuses at all..

is talk about how you are in real life. You need to stop contradicting yourself Bosnian.

And actually, you should have made this thread, you should have just put more time and effort into what should have been your letter of apologies and not rush it, bring religion into it, make excuses, not expect others to reply when you asked us to do exactly that in your original post and then argue the opposite of what we are trying to tell/help you with.

Once again, you are stating what you are like on the internet and in real life, which is an opinion, and expecting us to take it as a fact. I, for one, am not more careful in real life, I am MUCH more careful on the internet for everyone's identity is effectively hidden. For all I know you could be some psychopath tracking me down and trying to get me to reveal my private information.

In all seriousness though, I'm done bantering about this subject on forums where it is not entirely necessary for everyone to see. Please continue this on xFire, IF you absolutely have to. Once again, THINK first, then make a decision.



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> we tell you what you are doing wrong (tinman explained this VERY damn well)


> still aruges and complains he is right and knows better..


Bosnian, you will never learn :)


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> we tell you what you are doing wrong (tinman explained this VERY damn well)


> still aruges and complains he is right and knows better..


Bosnian, you will never learn :)


>Preparing for him to argue back to this 


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You are pretty much hated in this community. It's your fault for having the amount of negative reputation points you have right now. And It's all your fault for being hated. You want to know why? Because you make and start dumb things. You start arguments, make unnecessary posts, discuss a lot with others (shoutbox),etc. 


Pretty much Tinman explained you a lot of stuff. Just stop doing what you are doing and I hope you learn from your mistakes.


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Bosnian, I think you should follow this guy's example:





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A little off topic but didn't you learn your lesson yet? It clearly says in the meme ''Please lock the thread, I have learned my lesson''.


You responded by saying ''maybe''. I thought you learned your lesson already because you made this thread. 


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A little off topic but didn't you learn your lesson yet? It clearly says in the meme ''Please lock the thread, I have learned my lesson''.


You responded by saying ''maybe''. I thought you learned your lesson already because you made this thread. 


With maybe I mean yes..


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Requested to be locked


Hopefully you did learn some things from this


1.) Stop arguing and causing conflicts, be it un-needed religious comments to plain verbal abuse


2.) If you are going to make apologies, make them sincere and without actually legitimate excuses


3.) Try to work more on your sentence structure, some people misinterpret it and confuse such for a negative when it's not meant to be


Despite what some have said previously, you're not hated in this community 


Multiple people enjoy you on the forums (Myself included), but just find that from time to time you will state something in which comes off the wrong way or plain incorrect


Again, things you can work on and look forward to see you attempting to change ;)




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A little late but I couldn't skip this thread without posting that pic :dave:


Bosnian, READ and REMEMBER the following sentence it's kind-of confirmed to give you more upvotes in future:



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