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Seabass's application

37 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: yes


What is your real name?: Colin


What is your in-game name?: *SB*


How old are you?: 16


What is your primary server?: RaidDeathrun


What is your B3 CID?: 19908


What is your xfire?: seabass0914


What is your Steam?: titan0914


What makes you a good admin?: Well, i am determined to crush the dreams of every person that just camps at the spawn of the deathrun round. Many people know me, and know that im not an admin and think that i never will be, therefore i can just go in, find the rule breaker and secretly kick him, and people will be like, "WOW" who just did that, and then i will just be like "deffinetly not me" (wink, wink)..


What skills do you have?: I am a pro at deathrun, and i know how to fix virtually any problem there is... (google may or may not be involved)


What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: My clans were: DEA, :PS:, F|A.. communities: Raid.. forums: Raid, DEA, :PS:, F|A, $ilence, kos, and HoH


Why should we choose you?: because i am determind..  i wrote all these questions down by typing instead of copying and pasting, because i couldn't find where the page was for all those, so i was just like, "screw it... this is getting done" (this is 100% true, i was looking at someone elses admin thingy to see the questions that needed to be answered), and i will end this with something very cheesy... I AM DETERMIND TO FIND ALL THE BAD PEOPLE, AND STOP THEM... TO SAVE GOTHAM CITY!... thank you


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Couple minutes ago you told the activator ''f*** you'' when he activated on you and then you rage quit lmao.


You can't control yourself nor tell others to behave/stop when they are breaking a rule.


To be honest, I don't think  you are ready. I don't know why you decided to apply when you are not even active and mature.


It's seems like you rushed typing your admin application. I don't see the energy you put on this app. 2 to 3 sentences ain't enough.


Good luck.


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not sure if troll application or srs?


dont like the attitude or the way this is wrote, dont see u ingame, dont like what u do ingame (insult or rage) dont like ur activity, dont like this app.


"good luck"




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not sure if troll application or srs?


dont like the attitude or the way this is wrote, dont see u ingame, dont like what u do ingame (insult or rage) dont like ur activity, dont like this app.


"good luck"







Good luck, it's the least I could give you on this app.


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Can be a little "ragey" at times when I see you on the server.

Can also be a little cocky and aggressive toward other players as well.

(Sorry, but being honest)

Anyways, good luck mate.


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Is this the fake Seabass one?.. Because I think there is a Seabass (If I'm not mixing names now) who is Bosnian and he is very mature..


Anyways, the way how you write looks like you only want the "admin-ship" to have power on the server and that you can command other players what you don't like. And I don't believe you at all that you are 16 years old otherwise you would be totaly different in being mature in writing.


Sorry m8, but you won't get the admin power for 100% since people saw you raging towards people/ insulting people etc etc. 



If you want to being a admin you need to follow these few things with your clean part of your heart:



1. Be active in the server + the forums

2. There should be a meaning why you want to be admin (a true meaning)

3. You should make screenshots of other players who are hacking/cheating/racism/insulting other people hardly/raging on activator etc

4. Be mature in situations as a wanna be admin (if you want to be a admin), if he/she doesn't listen get a admin, if the admin isn't online follow option number 3 (making screenshots)


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Seems good, I'd accept :sir:


What skills do you have?: I am a pro at deathrun, and i know how to fix virtually any problem there is... (google may or may not be involved)
pure.. admin material..


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not sure if troll application or srs?


dont like the attitude or the way this is wrote, dont see u ingame, dont like what u do ingame (insult or rage) dont like ur activity, dont like this app.


"good luck"



well, i dont see you on either... im always on at night


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Is this the fake Seabass one?.. Because I think there is a Seabass (If I'm not mixing names now) who is Bosnian and he is very mature..


Anyways, the way how you write looks like you only want the "admin-ship" to have power on the server and that you can command other players what you don't like. And I don't believe you at all that you are 16 years old otherwise you would be totaly different in being mature in writing.


Sorry m8, but you won't get the admin power for 100% since people saw you raging towards people/ insulting people etc etc. 



If you want to being a admin you need to follow these few things with your clean part of your heart:



1. Be active in the server + the forums

2. There should be a meaning why you want to be admin (a true meaning)

3. You should make screenshots of other players who are hacking/cheating/racism/insulting other people hardly/raging on activator etc

4. Be mature in situations as a wanna be admin (if you want to be a admin), if he/she doesn't listen get a admin, if the admin isn't online follow option number 3 (making screenshots)

i know... ive even told people that i should never be admin, but i got bored, so i was like, eh why not


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i know... ive even told people that i should never be admin, but i got bored, so i was like, eh why not

Right there along with what Wofles pointed out

Being an admin (Or whatever the case be and you have power to enforce rules) mean it's your job to punish accordingly to those in which don't follow the rules and allow an enjoyable experience for everyone on forums/servers

Of this, actually wanting to help others out and keep the servers clean is required

You don't apply because you're bored, you apply because you want to make a change and assist in preventing/stopping rule breakers

Regarding your application itself, mainly seeing how you will use your powers on people

See almost no reasons why you want to help others, if you want to make a change, if you're willing to put in the effort, nor if you honestly want admin due to the quote above

The problems you would face as admin requires your knowledge and judgement along with assistance from other raid staff, it's not something you can simply google and expect that to the thing to resolve it for you


I often don't write in applications for the reason of telling the applicant any straight away issues and good luck on xfire/steam, but felt this needs to be addressed publicly for other/future applicants to view


@Bosnian, age doesn't define maturity 


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well, i dont see you on either... im always on at night



rank: 17 name: Purity time played: 243


rank: 305 name: *SB* time played: 33


or, your other name 


rank: 335 name: Seabass time played: 23


im on everyday as most people know usually till late at night and i rarely see u, just saying.


Goodbye thats all i have to say


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Hate to break the combo but....



HoH, as in Hounds of Hades? from 1.6? Man, I used to know so many people in there. I remember the owner's son, was named "Cats" until I raged at him jokingly in a match and he left, and rejoined with the name "Mad", then he got all caught up in FISH and caused a ton of crap, but we were all young so it's funny to look back at that. Anyways, is Mad/Cats even still around? Or HoH in general?


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 What makes you a good admin?: Well, i am determined to crush the dreams of every person that just camps at the spawn


inb4 gets too needy and bans people for being AFK + isn't there an anti afk plugin or was that removed?? Crushing their dreams just for this seems a little bit too much. What about hackers? Ban evaders? People who actually break a more serious rule, not do something which gets on your nerves?



people will be like, "WOW" who just did that



Not once when playing Deathrun in any server have I ever seen a reaction like "WOW who kicked him!!! Dumbledore? Is that you?!" 


No. It's obviously an admin with a changed name which can be done by clicking a few buttons on your mouse and typing a few letters to temporarily change the display name to trick their target.



What skills do you have?: I am a pro at deathrun



Player skill has nothing at all to do with being an admin. GG.



 i know how to fix virtually any problem there is... (google may or may not be involved)



What the fuck dude? You can actually fix any problem there is? Even with Google?! Dude, your skills are beyond me. +1



i wrote all these questions down by typing instead of copying and pasting,



Maybe you should have spent more time typing thinking about this application thoroughly than typing out the questions.



i couldn't find where the page was for all those, so i was just like, "screw it... this is getting done" (this is 100% true, i was looking at someone elses admin thingy to see the questions that needed to be answered), and i will end this with something very cheesy... 



Did you really waste half of your application telling us a story on how you typed out the questions? This deserves admin straight away. I mean, going on someone elses thread to see the questions that needs answering, and switching tabs with manually type them out? Dude. You weren't lying about your dedication were you! Perhaps you could try dedicate some more time to more important things on an application and perhaps your in-game time.



Conclusion: 10/10 needs to be admin... 


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Hate to break the combo but....



HoH, as in Hounds of Hades? from 1.6? Man, I used to know so many people in there. I remember the owner's son, was named "Cats" until I raged at him jokingly in a match and he left, and rejoined with the name "Mad", then he got all caught up in FISH and caused a ton of crap, but we were all young so it's funny to look back at that. Anyways, is Mad/Cats even still around? Or HoH in general?

yea, as in Hounds of Hades... and.... SEABASS CAT WRAPPED IN RICE... (had to do it)


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 What makes you a good admin?: Well, i am determined to crush the dreams of every person that just camps at the spawn


inb4 gets too needy and bans people for being AFK + isn't there an anti afk plugin or was that removed?? Crushing their dreams just for this seems a little bit too much. What about hackers? Ban evaders? People who actually break a more serious rule, not do something which gets on your nerves?



people will be like, "WOW" who just did that



Not once when playing Deathrun in any server have I ever seen a reaction like "WOW who kicked him!!! Dumbledore? Is that you?!" 


No. It's obviously an admin with a changed name which can be done by clicking a few buttons on your mouse and typing a few letters to temporarily change the display name to trick their target.



What skills do you have?: I am a pro at deathrun



Player skill has nothing at all to do with being an admin. GG.



 i know how to fix virtually any problem there is... (google may or may not be involved)



What the fuck dude? You can actually fix any problem there is? Even with Google?! Dude, your skills are beyond me. +1



i wrote all these questions down by typing instead of copying and pasting,



Maybe you should have spent more time typing thinking about this application thoroughly than typing out the questions.



i couldn't find where the page was for all those, so i was just like, "screw it... this is getting done" (this is 100% true, i was looking at someone elses admin thingy to see the questions that needed to be answered), and i will end this with something very cheesy... 



Did you really waste half of your application telling us a story on how you typed out the questions? This deserves admin straight away. I mean, going on someone elses thread to see the questions that needs answering, and switching tabs with manually type them out? Dude. You weren't lying about your dedication were you! Perhaps you could try dedicate some more time to more important things on an application and perhaps your in-game time.



Conclusion: 10/10 needs to be admin... 

i cant tell if you are being sarcastic or not... cause its really hard to tell.. but i think you dont want me to be admin


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i cant tell if you are being sarcastic or not... cause its really hard to tell.. but i think you dont want me to be admin

It's not that we don't want you to be admin. We are just being honest.


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i cant tell if you are being sarcastic or not... cause its really hard to tell.. but i think you dont want me to be admin


For being admin you have not any skills to be one, on raid if you want to be a admin Raid-Team is very strict and not immature like on other clans like RvS.


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we are very strict and not immature



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Ok, bear is not strict. Remove his admin-ship :troll: :troll:


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Ok, bear is not strict. Remove his admin-ship :troll: :troll:

i meant the mature part :dave: i dont want to throw away my plush bears :dumb:


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For being admin you have not any skills to be one, on raid if you want to be a admin we are very strict and not immature like on other clans like RvS.

well, i have been admin on a clan in 1.6 called DEA for 3 years... does that count?


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