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Seabass's application

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well, i have been admin on a clan in 1.6 called DEA for 3 years... does that count?


Doesn't say to me nothing. More information please.



1. What do you mean by 1.6?..


2. What for Clan is DEA?


3. What are the ages in that clan in average


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Doesn't say to me nothing. More information please.

2. What for Clan is DEA?


3. What are the ages in that clan in average

I seriously don't even understand what you mean here...

Can anyone translate it for me? :dumb:


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I've just seen the website of that clan, and he is 14 years old :Dave:


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on raid if you want to be a admin we are very strict and not immature like on other clans like RvS.

You're not even a part of the "Raid team" as it were, and just like every other under admin rank, you have no say in who gets in or not. Please do not speak on behalf of Raid when in reality you aren't a member of the team


Plus, so what if the person you found is 14? Is it a bad thing because he is younger than you? Because if that's so then I could say the same about you because you were born after me. Age does not define a persons intellect, maturity or personality fully. There's a saying called "Never judge a book by its cover" and in a lot of cases I have seen you behave in a  prejudice way before getting to know someone.


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You're not even a part of the "Raid team" as it were, and just like every other under admin rank, you have no say in who gets in or not. Please do not speak on behalf of Raid when in reality you aren't a member of the team


Plus, so what if the person you found is 14? Is it a bad thing because he is younger than you? Because if that's so then I could say the same about you because you were born after me. Age does not define a persons intellect, maturity or personality fully. There's a saying called "Never judge a book by its cover" and in a lot of cases I have seen you behave in a  prejudice way before getting to know someone.


He lied about this age thats why I said he is 14 years old.


And I will maintain that sentence, because I do sound like I am a part of the team..





Changed the sentence.


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Firstly, it doesn't "sound" like you're part of the team.

Secondly, you aren't in the team whether you "sound" like it or not, so your statement remains invalid.

As Troll said... You still don't have a say anyway, and by the looks of your current situation, probably never will. Although I'm not going to be like you and have any prejudicial thoughts about your future.


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keep this on topic guys...

Bosnian, as the others have said - just leave it now.


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Doesn't say to me nothing. More information please.



1. What do you mean by 1.6?..


2. What for Clan is DEA?


3. What are the ages in that clan in average

by 1.6 i mean the version of call of duty thats before the one that raid is on...

i dont know what "what for clan is dea" means...

and the average age was probably 25-27


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He lied about this age thats why I said he is 14 years old.


And I will maintain that sentence, because I do sound like I am a part of the team..





Changed the sentence.

didnt i tell you that i was in that clan for 3 years? i put that in a year after i joined, because i didnt know about the profile stuff for a long time.. so yes i am 16


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didnt i tell you that i was in that clan for 3 years? i put that in a year after i joined, because i didnt know about the profile stuff for a long time.. so yes i am 16

Let's stop it here. We don't want to start a discussion over your application. 


Last thing I gotta say is good luck Seabass.


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For being admin you have not any skills to be one, on raid if you want to be a admin Raid-Team is very strict and not immature like on other clans like RvS.

Dat comparission to other clans... :dumb:


Ok, bear is not strict. Remove his admin-ship :troll: :troll:

Bosnian for admin! :awesome: 10/10 would accept :lol:



Here's my rant @@SEABASS:

You don't deserve admin according to admins and bears who seen you on the server and you're constantly double posting which means our server uses more energy and we have to cut trees to power the damn hungry LossyRAM sticks and thus we have to grub forrests which indeed means Bear is in danger of losing his natural home.


0/10, 404 admin material not found.


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