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Form Submission: Admin Applications

14 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?: Noah
What is your in-game name?: Grezwal
How old are you?: 15
What is your primary server?: Both
What is your B3 CID?: 165
What is your Xfire?: Grezwal
What is your Skype?: sasfa11
What is your Steam?: Grezwal
What is your Origin?: Grezwal
What makes you a good admin?: I know the b3 commands well enough to enforce/make a ban. I am on frequently, on the Teamspeak, deathrun and fun server. Alot of times even when i'm not playing I will be in spectator watching fr hackers. I also have the comon sense to know when something is unfair to another player.
What skills do you have?: I don't have any scripting skills or mapping skills, but if needed i can learn.
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I used to play a game called Runescape for the longest time and i was extremely active and an active member in my clan. Cod4 wise i have been a Styx Recruit, i was a Blu Fanboi, but now i am a FISH member and a Raid Fanboi.
Why should we choose you?: I think you should choose me because i love the raid community, i join each server almost daily. I frequently watch the funserver for hackers so i can make a demo and send it in to an admin. Sometimes (alot of the time) when i'm doing homework i will spectate in the fun server and watch out for hackers, i have sent in numerous demos (i still have them if you need to see them). I know the b3 commands well enough to make/enforce a ban, I am friends with most if not all the admins, I would like to think i have a good sense of humor. If i am given the privilege to moderate in the raid community i am sure you will not be disappointed with me.

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What makes you a good admin?: I know the b3 commands well enough to enforce/make a ban. I am on frequently' date=' on the [b']Temspeak[/b], deathrun and fin server. Alot of times even when i'm not playing I will be in spectator watching fr hackers. I also have the comen sense to know when something is unfair to another player.

Your grammar makes me cringe ;_; Anyways, Good Luck!


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Your knowledge of the difference between spelling and grammar makes me cringe...

<3 :P

Anyways, wish you the best of luck Grezwal


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;__; u kno wat i meen aunti

Your grammar & spelling makes me cringe. :troll:


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