
Your Career Choices: deeper understandings...

36 posts in this topic

I haven't really set. On a career yet, I've bounced around multiple ideas from a musician, IT Specialist, And a pilot (IDon't why that one), Yet i can't find really anything, That i'm.. Good at. I would do IT, Computer science stuff in the future but it makes me re-evaluate and makes me think 'Do i wanna do this for, Like the rest of my life' And when i think about doing IT stuff, it just doesn't spark a light inside me so that leaves me at a standpoint, I'm only 15 [soon to be 16] Which from where i'm at right now it isn't majorly a problem But my future, Just isn't there for me I can't think of anything fun so far.



Worse part is, Next year i'm gonna be going into sixth form, Unknowing what course i'm going to do. Which kinda stinks, Took a couple reads through everyone else's and y'all got some good Pathways to success:'D


Anyway bit late but happy birthday tinman!


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I feel like part of a crowd. I've been studying music for 3 years and going in for my 4th year now. 


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I want to do mechanical engineering at university and make or engineer things for the rest of my life :)

I'm a bit late but happy birthday!


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boys only.




Yup, sadly that means that the following can't join:

  • JWofles- I dunno why :3


  • BraXi/BearXi- Gurrrls forbidden. 


  • Darmuh- 40 yr old MEN not allowed.


:troll: You can only join if you nub :C


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Yup, sadly that means that the following can't join:

  • JWofles- I dunno why :3
  • BraXi/BearXi- Gurrrls forbidden. 
  • Darmuh- 40 yr old MEN not allowed.

:troll: You can only join if you nub :C

I'm 19 but ok


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I want to become either a ballerina, a Penguin, programmer or game designer as my 2nd job, I still need to fix other planets  :dave:


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