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Form Submission: Admin Applications

15 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes,

What is your real name?: Dylan
What is your in-game name?: Drazy /VeryDyldo/Dyldo
How old are you?: 17
What is your primary server?: Deathrun EDIT: 4/7/14 Combined Ops
What is your B3 CID?: 374
What is your Xfire?: drazyyy
What is your Skype?: yomynameissoul
What is your Steam?: drazy
What is your Origin?: drazayyyy
What makes you a good admin?: Well, I've been admin on the #1 arma gaming server for about 9 months, TLU Uprising, RepZ for about 2 months. I know all the b3 commands fairly well, and know when to kick/ban someone. I don't put up with bullshit. After being admin on a Role Playing arma server, I've heard every excuse. If something needs to be said, I tell it how it is. I like to be staff on Servers/Clans/Communities because I love to be involved.
What skills do you have?: I'm a video producer/somewhat of a GFX. I'm really good with team speak, as in New Ranks, Icons, Channels. I'm fairly good at coding websites/forums. I have absolutely NO mapping skill, but I want to learn.
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: TLU, RepZ, TLR,
Why should we choose you?: Well, I'm a very lovable person. I understand all the duties that admins have to to deal with. I've been playing raid as my main DR since November, and understand all the rules. I'm on mostly everyday of the week for at least an hour. I have over 36 hours logged on DR check Aliases of Drazy, VeryDyldo, RAID DYLDO or Dyldo. I'm not in it for the power, I'm in it for other people, to make the server enjoyable, and to strengthen the statement of "Our server is always monitored by staff." Thank you.

EDIT 4/7/14: Im a gucci swag yolo boss now on DR with Infinite hours played. SO YEAH
              - zack is also my bitch.

EDIT 5/16/14: Active on all servers (except Fun server) (only go on there once and awhile.) 

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Can sometimes be very rude to some of the players and tend to be immature at times. Personally, I haven't had a problem but that can't be said for others. Does obey rules as far as I can see though. Good luck nonetheless.


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Drazy, your my bitch! dont ever say someone else is your bitch :okay: 



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Drazy, your my bitch! dont ever say someone else is your bitch :okay:


im sorry babe. <3


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I like you, but you're a little "wild" when it comes to chatting on the server.


I'm open to see how you handle being a trial admin but I dont want to see stuff like this anymore.


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I like you, but you're a little "wild" when it comes to chatting on the server.


I'm open to see how you handle being a trial admin but I dont want to see stuff like this anymore.

Yeah, it was a little hot that day. I normally don't do that, won't happen again, AND THANK YOU :).


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Good luck Dylan. You will need it.......   :no:


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Sadly, I am going to decline myself. I have lost my interest in cod4 in the past few weeks and went inactive, and will probably be for awhile now that summer's here. I love all of Raid and want to thank Lossy, Darmuh, Thomas, Grez and zech, and not sprite because he's gay and so is grapes, but yea. Hopefully I can comeback and get accepted later on! 

Later guys!



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