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Bomb Case Pickup Anim

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onBeginUse( player )
	if ( self maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::isFriendlyTeam( player.pers["team"] ) )
		player playSound( "mp_bomb_defuse" );
		player.isDefusing = true;
		if ( isDefined( level.sdBombModel ) )
			level.sdBombModel hide();
		player.isPlanting = true;

		if ( level.multibomb )
			for ( i = 0; i < self.otherBombZones.size; i++ )
				self.otherBombZones[i] maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::disableObject();

onEndUse( team, player, result )
	if ( !isAlive( player ) )
	player.isDefusing = false;
	player.isPlanting = false;

	if ( self maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::isFriendlyTeam( player.pers["team"] ) )
		if ( isDefined( level.sdBombModel ) && !result )
			level.sdBombModel show();
		if ( level.multibomb && !result )
			for ( i = 0; i < self.otherBombZones.size; i++ )
				self.otherBombZones[i] maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::enableObject();

Not sure if it's what you're looking for, look in Raw > Maps > Mp > Gametypes > sd.gsc or sab.gsc (Search and Destroy or Sabotage)


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Not sure if it's what you're looking for, look in Raw > Maps > Mp > Gametypes > sd.gsc or sab.gsc (Search and Destroy or Sabotage)

I don't have those files in my gametypes folder :/


Will look through them, thanks!


If anyone could highlight the line/thread I need to look at that would be great.


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entity giveweapon ("briefcase_bomb_mp"); or entity giveweapon ("briefcase_bomb_defuse_mp"); 


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entity giveweapon ("briefcase_bomb_mp"); or entity giveweapon ("briefcase_bomb_defuse_mp"); 

Nothing happens when I give the user this 'weapon' :/


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