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Form Submission: Admin Applications

11 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?: Jon Miyasato
What is your in-game name?: Dark
How old are you?: 17
What is your primary server?: Both
What is your B3 CID?: @40
What is your Xfire?: ohsodark
What is your Skype?: None
What is your Steam?: None
What is your Origin?: None
What makes you a good admin?: I think I could be a great admin because I understand rules and regulations, am a fair player, and knows how to keep order when things get out of control. I keep a sharp eye out for things such as tampering with the system, cheats/hacks, etc. Also, I have no problems with any players because I like to keep a good relationship with everyone in the community.
What skills do you have?: I have taken graphic design and video programming classes in my sophomore and junior year. I can get around a computer quite well, knowing of commands, properties, etc.
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I have played on numerous deathrun and miscellaneous servers such as Cod 4 Zombies. I have had admin on the Outlaw Zombie Madness server a while back before the server shut down/changed ip's.
Why should we choose you?: Why should you choose me? As I said, I have had administrative control for servers before and know not to abuse powers. I also like to keep the game fair for everyone else and singling out the hackers and cheaters who make the game less enjoyable. If anyone has a problem with me and my actions, I try to figure out why and change it because I do not like sour relationships with other players; which makes the game as fun as it is. All in all I think I would fit the requirements quite well as I personally think I am a great leader and work well with others :>

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OH MY GOD. SUCH WORDS. VERY TOUCHING 11/6.3 MANY WOWS. Dark's my bae man<4 He would be a great admin, really cool dude in my opinion. Never had any problems with him, overall cool guy. Good Luck man!


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Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about you :P


I think you'd make a decent trial admin. You're calm and collected in the chat and seem to know the rules well enough.


You also haven't had one warning (whether another admin or B3 autowarns) since February.


So lets hear what lossy and thomas have to say about ya ;) 


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He's a stud of a character, I'll tell you that. I know I don't have a say in this but he's a great guy and he's pretty mature. He can joke around and take a joke or two and throw one or two back at ya. He's an awesome guy to be around, and he knows the rules pretty well already. And I don't just say this about anybody...I usually just mark all the admin apps as read, since I can't really help in any decision making, but I believe Dark would make a great admin.


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