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20 Questions!

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Hi there!


This topic was started partly out of boredom while my porn and crispy new games download. AS WELL AS, filling the General Discussions thread with positive, flower-power content to conclude the ending of negative banter. But don't forget, banter CAN be good! 


Anyways, I was reading through a Facebook post consisting of the ever-so-popular "20 Questions/facts". I felt it would make a nice contrast to the most recent topic that caressed General Discussions (I'm repeating myself now) and give us forum browsers/members of Raid something to do. At the same time we learn more about each other... it's a win win!


I shall, of course, go first and for those to hopefully follow in my frivolous footsteps, you can either choose to be utterly serious or throw in a bit of humour, as I have demonstrated so deviously. Last thing... please don't do any of that old "I skipped 3 out, you're checking, you're smiling" shit. Old af.



1) My name is Dean xxxx

2) I'm truly terrified of Ebola
3) The zombie apocalypse WILL happen!
4) Sharknado is a real thing, I've seen it.. Like for realzies.
5) I suffer from schizophrenia.
6) I don't suffer from schizophrenia.
7) I shattered a bone in my wrist in grade 9.
8) I didn't know it was shattered for about 18 months so I had to undergo emergency surgery which could have led to amputation.
9) I'm running out of facts.
10) I'm halfway.
11) I sometimes introduce myself as 'Daan' just to shake things up a bit.
12) I can't decide on whether or not I'm against abortion.
13) I legit get jealous when my cat shows love to other people.
14) That was a legit fact.
15) Its actually not my cat, its my neighbour's but it refuses to leave my room so I stole it.
16) Speaking of stealing, my kleptomaniac record is 72 juice boxes from my school's tuckshop in one go.
17) My favourite colour is Blurple (this post was written in Blurple :dave:)
18) I find friends on Facebook whose name is also Dean xxxx and then I like everything they post so that they look like douche bags.
19) Sometimes I get naked and put Vaseline on my stomach and roll around on the floor pretending to be a slug.
... And 20) I really appreciate you reading this post.
20b) I'm not joking with this list, it's a legit-list, its legist


It is late, I am tired, please forgive me of any language errors, please don't take this too seriously, please don't judge me too much. 8)


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This is much more of a "forum game" section sort of thread

Eh, guess I'll make a truth list, only thing I wasn't fully clear on was 7.)... He seemed fairly upset, but doubt would have brought in a nine year old

1.) I have a form of Autism (Aspergers)

2.) I am half blind

3.) I have never had sprained/broken body part

4.) I secretly love watching bad movies for the acting and absurd effects

5.) Favorite horror movies as a child was The Thing, The Thing, and The Thing (All named the same and based off first one :P )

6.) Love cooking insane and weird things (Pizza doughnuts... You know you want one)

7.) Have nearly been taken under custody when I found a dagger on one of the neighbor's yard (Police car was driving by when I picked it up)

8.) Took a 45 pound plate to the head

9.) Took a saw blade to the head

10.) Took a 312 pound lineman's helmet to the head with my helmet

11.) Took six beer bottles to the head when out with one of my cousins

12.) Never had a concussion

13.) Accidentally knocked out my wrestling coach's soon to be son-in-law

14.) Was used as dummy by 453 pound wrestling coach

15.) I use Spanish words to add variety

16.) I say Accepted and Denied due to finding being more enjoyable to use in text manner than a simple Yes or No

17.) Have sacrificed hours of my life for those I barely know

18.) Used to work for free in a church to make food for the homeless

19.) T-bagged one of Washington's senators when he was visiting our food class because of a bet

20.) Did naked stomach sliding on a frozen lake in Minnesota

21.) Went off diving board into other pool ten feet away, got kicked out :okay:

Eh, included some "high and mighty" along with "goodie" stuff in there, hope somewhat balanced it out by sharing some more unknown things I've done :dave:


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My apologies, feel free it move it to the appropriate forum. I was simply none the wiser. :okay:


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1.) My eye sight is terrible :dave:
2.) I hear out of my left ear better than my right ear as i had a really bad ear infection when i was younger causing me to lose some hearing.
3.) I have never had sprained/broken body part like anti (so did not copy and paste) :dave:
4.) I have had a seizure and passed out twice in my life so far.
5.) Red is my favourite colour
6.) I put my friend in hospital because i accidentally hit him with a massive rock
7.) When i was at school, i walked just over a mile to get their and back every school day
8.) My name is Daniel
9.) I have a really base case of hayfever, not even joking, going through summer is a pain, specially dem nose bleeds yo because you can't stop sneezing
10.) I'm running out a facts
11.) I don't really like drinking alcohol that much
12.) I have never been on an airplane
13.) I have never left England
14.) My sister, dad, mum and brothers all have blue eyes a and i have green/brown eyes.
15.) My hair was naturally full on blonde when i was young but when brownish by itself.
16.) I have problems sitting still and my hands are very shaky
17.) I bite my nails everyday and it annoys me a lot
18.) I have spent over £200 on LoL which is a free to play game
19.) I like watching movies with lots of action like saving private ryan :C
20.) I ran out of facts :okay:


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6.) I put my friend in hospital because i accidentally hit him with a massive rock



I read this wrong. 


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1.) My name is Cameron

2.) favorite animals are dolphins  :ph34r:

3.) I go to an all boys school so I don't see girls that often  :(

4.) I love going on vacations. Last year I went to study abroad in Costa Rica and I might go to Spain this year

5.) My parents are divorced which means that I live in two different houses (which can get annoying  :dave: )

6.) I used to have a pet dog my she died recently at the age of 9 (human years) due to internal bleeding and cancer

7.) As of now I am rowing crew for my school 

8.) I REALLY love eating, but I am not fat. I can't really get fat due to pretty much all of my family members being skinny

9.) I only have one sister and four cousins, so a pretty tight knit family

10.) Raid is love Raid is life

11.) I paid for my entire computer setup (all 1750$  :P ) #summerjobpayedoff

12.) I love making Youtube videos for fun 

13.) I am terribly scared of heights. I can barely climb a 10 foot rock wall without peeing myself  :kingdave:

14.) I am a good school student (consider my self to be :dave:) .Always keep on top of work. 

15.) I voice crack every five words (anyone who has talked with me in teamspeak will agree :dave:

16.) My favorite thing to do to pass time other than video games is to listen to music and chill B)

17.) My favorite movie would probably be Dictator (funny as hell xD). And favorite movie series is Star Wars  :davelink:

18.) One of my favorite hobbies is skiing. Every year, my dad and I go on a week long ski trip. I think I'm safe to say that I am good at skiing (I take advanced adult courses as a 15 year old  :ph34r: )

19.) My favorite food is fish and chips 

20.) Did I mention that I love dolphins?


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Off topic but my name is Dean :D

What is this I see? An imposter? HOW DARE YOU STEAL THE NAME OF THE ORIGINAL DEAN!!!?? I demand you change it to Barack immediately! That should be sufficient punishment for such a foul offense. Be off now, swift with the sheep.


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Tinman, can you post those questions here maybe pls? Could be easier for some of us :Dave:


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Tinman, can you post those questions here maybe pls? Could be easier for some of us :dave:

just list 20 facts about yarself, there r nu questions, tinman just nub :angryarnold:


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1) All you know about me (probably) is the nickname.

2) I really live in Russia. And no, there are no drunk bears on the streets, and not winter all year. (autumn, summer, spring n winter)

3) I really want to talk to you all, but im afraid about my acsent so I dont try hard to get microphone

4) I studied 10 grades of English but still suck :>

5) Half of my mates in the university don't know the difference between "have" and "had" 

6) I never do sports but i'm not fat 

7) Im addicted to deathrun

8) I tried to strafe in the real life (but it didnt help to go faster D:)

9) I have very good memory, I remember people who played with me years ago

10) Im 18 y.o. but idk why i look like 15. Same with the voice.

11) I was born when my mom was 16 years old

12) I don't like big wide signatures on the forum

13) I have girlfriend... idk is it good or bad for me, but i feel so good

14) You can find my photo on raid forums.

15) OwO is the face and it's not 0w0

16) I broke collarbone 4 years ago, now it looks weird

17) I never downvoted BosnianArmy

18) I never saw all beautiness of CoD4 because of low PC, i only saw awesome graphics and textures on youtube

19) I never played other CoD games, only CoD4

20) These facts were so boring. Sorry


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1) All you know about me (probably) is the nickname.

2) I really live in Russia. And no, there are no drunk bears on the streets, and not winter all year. (autumn, summer, spring n winter)

3) I really want to talk to you all, but im afraid about my acsent so I dont try hard to get microphone

4) I studied 10 grades of English but still suck :>

5) Half of my mates in the university don't know the difference between "have" and "had" 

6) I never do sports but i'm not fat 

7) Im addicted to deathrun

8) I tried to strafe in the real life (but it didnt help to go faster D:)

9) I have very good memory, I remember people who played with me years ago

10) Im 18 y.o. but idk why i look like 15. Same with the voice.

11) I was born when my mom was 16 years old

12) I don't like big wide signatures on the forum

13) I have girlfriend... idk is it good or bad for me, but i feel so good

14) You can find my photo on raid forums.

15) OwO is the face and it's not 0w0

16) I broke collarbone 4 years ago, now it looks weird

17) I never downvoted BosnianArmy

18) I never saw all beautiness of CoD4 because of low PC, i only saw awesome graphics and textures on youtube

19) I never played other CoD games, only CoD4

20) These facts were so boring. Sorry

I say this every time... You're not the only one with a slightly high-pitched voice, I'm the same. Chances are you're probably just comparing yourself to Anti :troll:

12) you saying you don't like my signature? If so, there is an option to turn them off you know ;)

just list 20 facts about yarself, there r nu questions, tinman just nub :angryarnold:

I'm not a nub! I just didn't know how to change the topic name :okay:


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1) All you know about me (probably) is the nickname.

2) I really live in Russia. And no, there are no drunk bears on the streets, and not winter all year. (autumn, summer, spring n winter)

3) I really want to talk to you all, but im afraid about my acsent so I dont try hard to get microphone

4) I studied 10 grades of English but still suck :>

5) Half of my mates in the university don't know the difference between "have" and "had"

6) I never do sports but i'm not fat

7) Im addicted to deathrun

8) I tried to strafe in the real life (but it didnt help to go faster D:)

9) I have very good memory, I remember people who played with me years ago

10) Im 18 y.o. but idk why i look like 15. Same with the voice.

11) I was born when my mom was 16 years old

12) I don't like big wide signatures on the forum

13) I have girlfriend... idk is it good or bad for me, but i feel so good

14) You can find my photo on raid forums.

15) OwO is the face and it's not 0w0

16) I broke collarbone 4 years ago, now it looks weird

17) I never downvoted BosnianArmy

18) I never saw all beautiness of CoD4 because of low PC, i only saw awesome graphics and textures on youtube

19) I never played other CoD games, only CoD4

20) These facts were so boring. Sorry

Trust me, nobody really cares not takes the pitch of someone's voice nor accent seriously

Should open up and be willing to join ts and talk more often, been so long since we chatted in teamspeak :angryarnold:

If anyone actually does make an attempt to make fun of you or so forth, usually admins on ts and willing to stop it

Tell Dewar, Yellow, Cuba, or Ari to make one here as well

Dem nubs need to share info against their will :dave:


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1.) I ran over my neighbor with my bike twice before :dave:

2.) I shit my pants on the 1st day of school in 7th grade.

3.) I like a latina (according to twix :D )

4.) A few months ago i visited hawaii

5.) I broke my head open when i was 3 by dancing and hitting my face on the corner of a speaker :(

6.) I had 2 pet hampster but my brother threw one out of the window and tried to eat the other one (he was 4 don't judge)

7.) I've always been very smart.

8.) Favorite color is green.

9.) I have only 5 or 6 cousins.

10.) Play deathrun more than any other game (My 2nd would be the batman series and or madden)

11.) I have the crappiest laptop ever.

12.) I love to cook

13.) I love to adventure on foot, especially in forests and such.

14.) I love pizza.

15.) dolphin is a nub

16.) I absolutely love listening to music and mapping :daveking: I guess its my hobby for now.

17.) I hate twix (the candy)

18.) Skateboarded one time and almost knocked myself out.

19.) Broke my wrist doing the moon walk.

20.) Beat someone up with a tennis racket in school and got suspended for 3 weeks :dave:


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7.) I've always been very smart.


1.) I ran over my neighbor with my bike twice before  :dave:


5.) I broke my head open when i was 3 by dancing and hitting my face on the corner of a speaker  :(


18.) Skateboarded one time and almost knocked myself out.


19.) Broke my wrist doing the moon walk.


20.) Beat someone up with a tennis racket in school and got suspended for 3 weeks :dave:

2.) I shit my pants on the 1st day of school in 7th grade   <---  :lol:

heh. heheh... :>


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heh. heheh... :>


This topic works much like "Post your face". Only comment on someone else's list if you're going to post one yourself. Otherwise, you will be nagged to do so.


We could seriously start our own Raid Kitchen! I, of course, would be Sous Chef; Synd the Pizza maker and Anti the dishwasher :troll:

Anti, the maker of the pizza doughnuts?


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1) I have depression

2) I have ADD

3) Skinny af (95 lbs last I checked, thats 43 kg for you non-Americans)

4) Only recently got into but enjoy Magic immensely

5) I didn't know how to spell immensely without googling it :okay:

6) I'm on my computer a lot

7) Believe it or not I'm a very social person IRL, never went partying or nothin' like that but I enjoy hanging out with people

8) I was homeschooled until 8th grade, enjoy school a lot more

9) I don't remember exactly how I got this name, I'm not that huge of a twix fan either

10) I've played deathrun for...3 years?.. more or less.

11) I use a Mac

12) I really prefer Windows

13) My iPhone 5 is a piece of shit

14) I listen to a lot of music

15) Used to play drums, was never any good :dave:

16) My first game with real online experience was Jedi Knight Academy, but I personally find Phantasy Star Online a lot more memorable (didn't even get the game, just played the demo on Xbox lol)

17) I like photography

18) I want to travel when I grow up

19) I want to do something in psychology because people are interesting

20) My name is Owen (that probs should've been first)


Wow 20 already :/


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1) I hate weekends/holidays/... cause I need my friends around me.

2) I used to have excellent grades but no friends, now I have bad (getting better though) grades but plenty of friends. :dumb:

3) I hate my teeth, have had to go to the dentist way too many times.

4) I drove a bicycle into our pool when I was 6 to evade our dog.

5) You do not want to ask me dumb questions, I will laugh.

6) I hate bananas, mayonnaise and most vegetables.

7) People call me squirrel, do not ask me why, I have no idea.

8) I eat A LOT but barely gain weight.

9) I'm skinny af, 45kg.

10) I refused braces because I didn't want to sacrifice 4 healthy teeth eventhough my bottom teeth could really use braces.

11) I've not had my wisdom teeth yet and never will according to some x-ray-type-thingy.

12) I get lonely easily, my worst fear is to be alone for the rest of my life.

13) My parents divorced when I was 7-8 (can't remember exactly, cba to calculate), ever since I've not heard anything of my dad, not even on my birthday. When someone asks me about him I say he's dead to me, cause honestly, he's a cunt in my eyes.

14) Only times I don't get drunk when going out is when I'm with my best friend to prevent myself from saying or doing things I would wish I'd never had said or done to her.

15) When I go out without my best friend I do get drunk as fuck and do and say things of which I won't know I did or said untill the next day when my friends tell me about the shit that went down.

16) I'm good with girls (apparently), unless I actually have feelings for someone, then I become this nervous, non-talkative idiot.

17) People make a big deal of sex, fuck that, I'm a proud virgin who's waiting for the right moment with the right person.

18) I make fun of teachers on a daily basis, some of them don't take my jokes as well as others though. :dave:

19) I hate grammatical mistakes, but make a ton of them myself. :dumb:

20) These facts were boring as fuck.


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17) People make a big deal of sex, fuck that, I'm a proud virgin who's waiting for the right moment with the right person.



Welcome to the club! :sir:


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Is it only in South Africa where you don't get drunk until you are a respectable age... as well as not having the urge to get drunk until you're a respectable age? I've heard a ton of stories on the Internet about people drinking under-age or doing so irresponsibly. I don't know if you're trying to impress friends whom you've never met online or you actually do do it and find it fun at the same time. 


And the sex thing too... I'm 17 and I cba to ask if this is an "acceptable" age to be a virgin or if I'm a fggt for not banging a bird yet? I completely agree with your statement regarding this Slaya and am honestly waiting for the right woman... sensible?

I think I may have found the right one anyway :troll:


None of this was directed at you or your post Slaya, I was merely taking the opportunity express my opinions.


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1) Many people say I am a kindly person and friendly
2) I'm a trustable person, I am not that kind of person who will laugh/bully etc etc on serious things
3) I like soccer, back at age of around 9 years old I played in a club and stopped 1-2 years later because of school, I went to a higher school but didn't had time anymore :/
4) I study now ICT and I like it :)
5) I am Bosnian, born and live in The Netherlands, and thats a fact ^^
6) I don't like bullying at all, when someone tries to bully me I would turn around and if he keeps going on me, he/she will see his concequences (I'm not a kid anymore who is scared now of defending because I were bullied alot at elementary school, only because I was a stranger)
7) I like fitness, I did fitness for 2 years (home and when I went to Bosnia there in a club aswell then) but I lost my motivation and gained weight (alot like about 15 KG so from 80 KG to 94 ffs -.-...), and I keep thinking that I will start doing fitness again but never happens (too lazy..)
8) I'm a bit overprotected by my dad, if I ask can I go out with my friends he thinks then 1000 things what could happen to me and I hate that.. I understand something could happen but still that would be from 1 to 10000..
9) I had a bike accident at friday 19-9-2014 (so yesterday), I had priority and I saw that he slows down and he almost stopped, so I thought he will brake but nope! and he hit me (with his expensive mercedes :dumb:..) but luckily I had nothing and the bicycle nothing aswell, only the lamp was a bit moved and the wheel was a bit curved but its repaired by my dad
10) I hate upcoming tests... thats scares me now because you can't have any negative marks on this school otherwise you can do the year over ffs..
11) I hate learning, it takes too much time but yet I learn fast if I want and when I'm not lazy
12) I have great friends :)
13) I am quite shy when it comes to talking to ladies.. When I try to talk to a lady I don't know what to talk about and then its a bit akward silent.. But I'm less shy now then I were so thats a bit better but still :okay:..
14) I have cool teachers on school for ICT :)
15) I got breakes from 30 min and a hour on school :) (depends on which day it is for 1 hour break)
16) We work with our laptops the school assignments (And for Dutch and English we got a book but make extra school assignments on our laptop)
17) Got work in a Supermarket as re-stocker of shelves since 5 weeks ago
18) saving money now for a driver license
19) I hate being hit on my back of my head.. That really pisses me of lol, when someone does that I instanly hit back on his head or somewhere (not too hard just a small tick)
20) I bike everyday to school 10 KM (6mi 376.13yd), so 20KM per day


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Nice attempt Bosnian but that is some seriously fucked up spacing there! :troll:


Seriously Bosnian, not based on any past happenings, I would honestly consider helping you out with your English. It's sometimes very difficult to not get irritated by your language usage (I know it's not your fault) and as we've said countless times, the meaning can be twisted. 


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Is it only in South Africa where you don't get drunk until you are a respectable age... as well as not having the urge to get drunk until you're a respectable age? I've heard a ton of stories on the Internet about people drinking under-age or doing so irresponsibly. I don't know if you're trying to impress friends whom you've never met online or you actually do do it and find it fun at the same time. 

What can I say, beer is tasty. :dave:



And the sex thing too... I'm 17 and I cba to ask if this is an "acceptable" age to be a virgin or if I'm a fggt for not banging a bird yet? I completely agree with your statement regarding this Slaya and am honestly waiting for the right woman... sensible?

I think I may have found the right one anyway  :troll:

M8, obv we all need to fuck random bitches we don't give a shit about. :dumb:


PS: I need to get my shit sorted, I upvoted Bosnian. ;-;


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