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GTX 970

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So after my status update I thought it would be good to open a topic to discuss about it.


Basically, I own a GTX770 2GB now, but I thought about upgrading it. I can probably sell this one for like 200 euros, so I pay another 150 and I have a GTX970.


My reasons to buy this card is because: 


-4GB of VRAM

-It's like way better then the GTX 770


-I'm not worried about the lifespan of my GTX 770, but I guess the 2gb is just too less.

EDIT: - Power usage. Damn.


So, give me your opinion, please. Everybody seems to have a different opinion about this card but I really like it.


(Take a look @ this


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-It's like way better then the GTX 770

Headdy/Thimo - 2k14.


on topic, you don't need the 4gb vram, maybe only if you are going to upgrade your monitor later.

maybe if you want watch dogs to run at ultra textures but I think their ridiculous vram requirement for 'ultra' (low-res) textures is bullshit.


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2GB doesn't man anything, like I said. The amount of VRAM doesn't mean much, it's how well your GPU manages it and uses it. Otherwise, the 4GB 780 would perform the same as the 4GB 970. As we know, the 970 outperforms the 770 that you have, and the 700 series in general, but there's still ZERO reason to upgrade. It's a waste of money, because no games nowadays come anywhere close to maxing out the 770 that you have. If you get low FPS, it's because the game is not properly optimized, which happens way too often on games nowadays. It's not your GPU, it's the game, and buying a new GPU is a shot in the dark because you don't know how well your new GPU will even be optimized, so you may actually get the same problem.


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Ah, okay. I totally understand your reasons. To be honest, it's just like the feeling of owning a brand new card, which kinda gives you the feeling I'm spoiled. 


According to your reply, after I bought the GPU, it'll feel like a waste of money, but it took me quite long to make the amount of money I still need to pay (like 150eu)


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I have a 2GB GTX 770 too and I won't be upgrading to 970 just because I got mine for 200€ AND it can run all games on 1080p 60fps.


Crysis 3 runs @ 70-240 fps if you drop the settings to high from very high. TBH I couldn't notice any difference between high and very high except the much lower fps lel


2GB VRAM is enough for 1080p. Instead of a 1440p monitor now, I'll go for 4K when I upgrade my GPU the next time :kingdave:


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 no games nowadays come anywhere close to maxing out the 770 that you have

  • Max Payne 3
  • DayZ
  • Crysis 3
  • Battlefield Hardline
  • Star Citizen
  • Planetside 2
  • Battiefield 4 (almost 1986MB VRAM usage)
  • How about full support for DX12 which 770 lacks?

Sell it, it's drastically becoming cheaper every day and get a better gpu





2GB doesn't mean anything

It does when an app or a game exceeds those 2GB... If something doesn't fit in VRAM, then memory has to be constantly reallocated and deleted, your RAM (not VRAM) usage grows because driver cannot free assets which are constantly moving thus slowing down GPU (which has to wait every time data is uploaded). The biggest problems in _any_ PC architecture is data transfering, it's slow to move things.

You can max out Max Payne 3 with 4GB VRAM, but on a 2GB version you will experience stuttering because ~1300 megabytes of data will have to be moved back and forth.


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Argh it's becoming more and more difficult to take a decision huehe


Braxi has valid points.


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Argh it's becoming more and more difficult to take a decision huehe


Braxi has valid points.

ask yourself if you really need that 8xMSAA to suck up all your vram when FXAA does the same job. "upgrading" your gpu on each generation is pure waste of money.


crysis 3 vram usage @ 1080p



crysis 3 vram usage @ 1600p



difference between the anti-aliasing types



so, its up to you to decide if the 8xMSAA is worth the 150€ of yours


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ask yourself if you really need that 8xMSAA to suck up all your vram when FXAA does the same job. "upgrading" your gpu on each generation is pure waste of money.


so, its up to you to decide if the 8xMSAA is worth the 150€ of yours


Don't forget 6xx and 7xx are on an old architecture, jumping from 7xx to 9xx means brand new architecture and much greater improvment than just VRAM.


This card costs same as 770, but has more horsepower than freaking expensive 780Ti and Titan and. 770s are losing its price every day (about 100 euros in 5 days).

I've got a buyer for my 770 and i recommend you sell your card now before it becomes too cheap.







So, it's up to you to decide if having much more power and DX12 support is worth the 120€* of yours. :dave:


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Don't forget 6xx and 7xx are on an old architecture, jumping from 7xx to 9xx means brand new architecture and much greater improvment than just VRAM.


This card costs same as 770, but has more horsepower than freaking expensive 780Ti and Titan and. 770s are losing its price every day (about 100 euros in 5 days).

I've got a buyer for my 770 and i recommend you sell your card now before it becomes


So, it's up to you to decide if having much more power and DX12 support is worth the 120€* of yours. :dave:

and does headdy have a 1440p monitor? :dumb:


its not worth the 150€ to get marginal fps increase in games he probably doesnt even play  :dumb: on gtx 770 bf4 runs average 73fps @ 1080p all on max


and ofc the prices drop after a new series release, you think 970 price will not drop when 1000 series are released? :dave:


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I'm changing my mind, I recommend the upgrade.

It's safe if for future, BraXi has very valid points such as price decrease on the 770 etc and if it's more power efficient I believe..



and does headdy have a 1440p monitor? :dumb:

its not worth the 150€ to get marginal fps increase in games he probably doesnt even play  :dumb: on gtx 770 bf4 runs average 73fps @ 1080p all on max

and ofc the prices drop after a new series release, you think 970 price will not drop when 1000 series are released? :dave:

Headdy is scr*wed if he ever decides to buy a 1440p monitor and now is better than ever to switch so he can save more money.

It's not only a 'marginal fps increase' and he plays watch dogs with his best friends so I think he'd appreciate the highest settings even at 40fps, probably a lot better than what his 770 runs watch dogs at.


TL:DR - agree with braxi, worth it, future proof, better for power (I think?)


(pls don't kill me if I get my facts wrong, I'm no twister :> (aL people will get the reference..))


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(pls don't kill me if I get my facts wrong, I'm no twister :> (aL people will get the reference..))



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The thing is, he already HAS a 770. If you were building a new PC and needed a GPU to start with, sure, get the 970. But as Bear said, the differences are so minimal but so much more expensive.




  • Max Payne 3
  • DayZ
  • Crysis 3
  • Battlefield Hardline
  • Star Citizen
  • Planetside 2
  • Battiefield 4 (almost 1986MB VRAM usage)
  • How about full support for DX12 which 770 lacks?

Sell it, it's drastically becoming cheaper every day and get a better gpu





It does when an app or a game exceeds those 2GB... If something doesn't fit in VRAM, then memory has to be constantly reallocated and deleted, your RAM (not VRAM) usage grows because driver cannot free assets which are constantly moving thus slowing down GPU (which has to wait every time data is uploaded). The biggest problems in _any_ PC architecture is data transfering, it's slow to move things.

You can max out Max Payne 3 with 4GB VRAM, but on a 2GB version you will experience stuttering because ~1300 megabytes of data will have to be moved back and forth.


BF4, BF Hardline, Planetside 2, Crysis 3, I only have 2GB and I experience ZERO stuttering at full settings. Your argument is invalid because your facts are wrong.


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Think about it this way:


How much you initially paid for the GTX 770? How much does the GTX 970 cost? Add these 2 amounts together and subtract the money you will get from selling the GTX 770.


BraXi's "upgrade":


If I remember correctly, he paid ~350€ for the 4GB GTX 770 in the beginning of this year or in late 2013 (can't remember). Since he's been nagging me about GTX 770 price dropping to 200€ on some Polish site, I assume he sold his GPU for about the same price, let's say 250€.


So now, do the math: 


GTX 770 price: 350€

GTX 970 price: 266€ (price from NewEgg, 400€ on the Polish site the GTX 770 were 200€)


350€ + 266€ - 250€ = 366€




Even if the GTX 970 was "future proof" you still have to upgrade it at some point. ALL computer hardware get obsolete sooner or later.


And BraXi, since you had the 4GB model of GTX 770, why not buy another for SLI if they are so cheap in Poland? :facepalm: 2 x GTX 770 (4GB) > GTX 970




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It'll initially cost me: 

340 + 240 - 200 =


Yeah, I understand it. I do not think this is worth the 380 euros, for such a small upgrade. I can always OC my GTX 770 if I need to, because I'm still on stock and I have a Gigabyte GTX 770 3X Windforce, so I guess I'll be okay with some OC'ing.


Imo, I don't really give a shit if I'm playing Ultra-High, I'm fine with both. Thanks for your help guys, I guess it's better to lock this topic. I might get a GTX 970 later, or upgrade my CPu+GPU+Mobo after a few years.


Thanks again,




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Okay ONE more question. People are rapidly selling their GPU's, ofcourse. Would it be a good deal if I sold my GTX 770 for like 190-200 euros and buy a R9 290 4GB for 199 euro?


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Go back and do the math, take your 770 price, add the R9 price, subtract the selling price of your 770. Is it worth it? Also, I think the 770 is better than the R9 anyways, but I could be wrong, I don't know much about AMD cards.


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Yeah, me neither, lol :P


I've heard SO many stories about nvidia vs AMD, but I'm not sure..


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