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Filling in Weird Corners in Radiant?

17 posts in this topic

I'm not sure, but you could make both sides longer (overlap) and then cut it so it makes it a good corner. 


I have no idea if there's a faster/better solution, but afaik I always used that method.


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I'm not sure, but you could make both sides longer (overlap) and then cut it so it makes it a good corner. 


I have no idea if there's a faster/better solution, but afaik I always used that method.

Not quite sure what you mean by that :s


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DFoVFJp.png ->> Your problem

w2FPNBH.png ->> Make them longer

SenqvQ4.png ->> Cut them (CTRL+Right click on grid)

I have no idea if this is what you need, but just a suggestion, sorry if it's not.


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(CTRL+Right click on grid)


Holy shit IPB is really being a bitch right now, sorry man :s


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(CTRL+Right click on grid)


Holy shit IPB is really being a bitch right now, sorry man :s

Or X, because laziness. 


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Is this what you wanted? (if so, select this as the 'best answer' because I em dah best!)


Go on the side view in the 2d section, extend one of the bits then clip it following the line of the other one using X and marking 2 points. Then once the point are marked, press shit+enter and delete the clipped part.

(I'm pretty sure headdy meant this but he was too lazy to do it)


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I think they don't like us xD


Lets work together and get out of the minus reputation  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r: :davelink:


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I think they don't like us xD


you get most of the downvotes because basicially of your posts are unneeded and not helpful at ALL? 





"Hi, im siikdUde  :dave: Trying to get my rep good as I do not act what I have used to."  yea, we see.


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you get most of the downvotes because basicially of your posts are unneeded and not helpful at ALL? 




"Hi, im siikdUde  :dave: Trying to get my rep good as I do not act what I have used to."  yea, we see.


he has been helped now so why not making 1 joke?..



I bet, if Lossy posted a Rick Roll video he would get up votes. And when someone else does it (WHo is non admin) he would get downvotes for sure.


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