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zIWxFFLe2 - Sorry

11 posts in this topic

Hello  zIWxFFLe2,


It would seem that yesterday or the day before I made a poor judgement on you and assumed you were using hacks in our Combined Operations server. I would like to take the time myself to apologize for this as it may have had a negative impact on you. So here it is,


sorry zIWxFFLe for my poor ability to judge whether or not you were using hacks, hopefully this does not ruin your experience on any of Raid-Gaming's servers. Also if this experience got you feeling down or anything, I am to be blamed for it, not Raid Gaming itself. 


Thank you and once again, sorry.





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If my word means anything to you, I commend you on your attempt at correcting a mistake made previously. It takes an extreme amount of maturity and courage to admit you're at fault in such a situation or any situation in life for that matter. I think Raid can be proud to have a person of such quality on their (trial) team. I have a newfound respect for you and your character troll. Everyone can take something away from this example and implement it into their lives.

Once again, this may have been over the top from me, but these acts restore faith in the community and humanity for me personally.


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troll you haf failed your trial :angryarnold: HAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAH!!!




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If my word means anything to you, I commend you on your attempt at correcting a mistake made previously. It takes an extreme amount of maturity and courage to admit you're at fault in such a situation or any situation in life for that matter. I think Raid can be proud to have a person of such quality on their (trial) team. I have a newfound respect for you and your character troll. Everyone can take something away from this example and implement it into their lives.

Once again, this may have been over the top from me, but these acts restore faith in the community and humanity for me personally.

Well, he does deserve an apology, and it was my fault. So I needed to apologize for my mistakes.


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Hello  zIWxFFLe2,


It would seem that yesterday or the day before I made a poor judgement on you and assumed you were using hacks in our Combined Operations server. I would like to take the time myself to apologize for this as it may have had a negative impact on you. So here it is,


sorry zIWxFFLe for my poor ability to judge whether or not you were using hacks, hopefully this does not ruin your experience on any of Raid-Gaming's servers. Also if this experience got you feeling down or anything, I am to be blamed for it, not Raid Gaming itself. 


Thank you and once again, sorry.




i like you. 



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Man I have +6 rep for that first post, maybe I should make bans more often and apologize for it :troll:


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Man I have +6 rep for that first post, maybe I should make bans more often and apologize for it :troll:


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Man I have a +4 rep for my first post, maybe I should mildly overreact and over complicate more situations. :troll:


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if you r ban him then it mean just he is good player lol :P it happens


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Very mature thing to do :) Well done on having the courage to do it, It's not always simple to apologize to people who you only know via computer, So i applaud you!




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