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Form Submission: Admin Applications

22 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?: Matthew
What is your in-game name?: Cloudy
How old are you?: 14
What is your primary server?: Both
What is your B3 CID?: @30
What is your Xfire?: cloudy197
What is your Skype?: cloudy197
What is your Steam?: Ipswich2
What is your Origin?: fishcone4567 + cloudy197
What makes you a good admin?: I'm mature, I've had countless experiences with moderating a server, literally everyone knows me on Raid Deathrun, I play Raid [fun] server for about 30mins - 2 hours a day, and the deathrun server around 4-6 hours a day. I'm not on the teamspeak server a lot since my Mic is broken (I'm actually not lying, if I could prove it I would ;D, and that I can't join any of the channels yet ;c)

Other than that, I know when somethings ''fair'' to a player, such as if someone says a swear word, I know some people who would kick them straight away, but I would give them atleast 3 warnings and if they carry on to do that bannable offense it wouldn't result too good for the player.
What skills do you have?: I don't have many skills as such which may benefit you, but i am a current learner of mapping and GFx i.e Photoshop and Cod4 Radiant. But please take notice of the word *learner* because I can't suddenly make a map in like a month, like lets say Wingzor or somebody, but GFx wise I can make things useful if someone gives me the idea of where to start, I'm not one of those people who imagine things all the time, like ''I wonder if fairy's were real?''

I also have no experience in scripting, but I would like to learn!
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I've been in the Blur community since the start of my 'Deathrun career' and non cod4 wise, I've been playing Runescape for about, 5 years, but then I got banned due to me buying coins and such, (because of the Evolution of Combat, which turned it into another MMO which has no difference to WOW or something) and back onto the cod4 genre, I was in the Styx community for a few months (Styx recruit) but then left because codjumper got boring after a while and that I had some household issues. And i'm now currently in the Raid community :>

I thought that I wouldn't bother mentioning any servers which I've been to for a few hours or so, because there's no point to be honest, but if you'd like me to edit this then I would.
Why should we choose you?: I'm trustworthy for the 'Admin' role, I have experience with moderating servers, not such b3 wise, but I'm sure I would figure it out ;) Also I'm friendly to other players, I know which is right, and wrong, f.e (for example) if someone decided to cuss at someone then I wouldn't kick them straight away, I would give them a fair few more chances, and if he carries on, It would result in a kick/ban/temporary ban. I'm also quite mature, and if I do get the opportunity, I'm sure I wouldn't disappoint you in any way shape or form, I also have a good sense of humor, so I know if someone is joking or saying it seriously.

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Your application seems to be on the short side... :troll:

Anyways, good luck

If you wish to know about b3, ask Thomas


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Cloudy, Cool guy known for a while has been totally fine :D

Good luck sir



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I But please take notice of the word *learner* because I can't suddenly make a map in like a month' date=' like lets say Wingzor[/quote']

So you're going to eventually make a map which forces a lot of users to edit their settings just so they can play your map? :troll:

if you're a quick learner you can make any of wingzor's maps within couple days(not including scripted) after all radiant is one of the most easiest, user friendly and basic mapping software out there :>


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I've had a few tries with Radiant, making the map isn't so hard, but the scripting is difficult if you have no idea what to do :D


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Good luck Cloudy. Great player and always a pleasure to talk to in game :)


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I wish I could be more active on teamspeak, but unfortunately my mic is broken, and Zack knows that, because he tried to fix it, so i'll get some new headphones soon, and be the new squeaker :3 (Birthday in a couple weeks, so i'll use some of my money on buying some headphones!) also I don't join teamspeak because i don't want to be that guy who just sits there listening to everyone. 


And gosh, wow, I never knew I was that good at the Fun server :o that's kinda a surprise :D


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Good player , still active , best skill :D !

Good luck dude !


Regards ,Fakiz


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Guys I'd say you should give it a shot ;)


Cloudy is a calm player, great behavior on servers, and it's always good to have him.


Only thing I don't like about him is that he's too damn fast on deathrun. Doesn't let anyone else play :>

You will see his fastest time record on most maps  :o


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I have been playing deathrun for a year... :> but, thanks for the great comments :) 



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I agree with everyone else here.


I'm down to give you a shot at trial, still I'd like to hear what Lossy and Thomas have to say.


Lossy especially since you guys share similar timezones :P


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Seems mature and responsible enough :ph34r:


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Thanks guys for the good responses,

The day has finally come, i've ordered a mic (which should of been here today... :<) but will hopefully come tomorrow, so then I can bellow down your ears with crap which I don't even know nothing about :D

Hope you're all excited ^^


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Edit isn't working for some reason, giving me a error.

But what I was going to say, was that the headphones didn't come today unfortunately, and my dad contacted them to see what was going on, and they said it will be delivered monday! so, yay :D

(I'm also going to be away on monday, going to my mums for the night and staying there until tuesday) so you wont see me then :)


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