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Everything posted by Lossy

  1. u can apply for admin
  2. would be nice if you use le code tag
  3. quick launch the servers into space to stop the invasion!
  4. or english so in greek it might be prounce the way he's trying to say it is in greek ;)
  5. The server already temp bans ip address anyway after they get banned from what i can remember anyway.
  6. you should probably bold the north part whilst you're at it :troll:
  7. MaM is terrible and so not user friendly compared to b3. Anyway punkbuster works like B3 only difference is that everyone has the software on their pc as well that scans through your files to detect "cheats". Also punkbuster is one of the worse Anti-cheats out there compared to VAC/Battle-eye. but its admin commands is like b3 only difference is you have to actually remember them all since you enter them via console. @@Ep3 ports and ip aren't the same, everyone gets an IP, a lot of people share the same IP (for IPV4 not IPV6) because there isn't unlimited amount of ip's, there like 4 billion IPv4's address out there with almost billion being private ip's compared to 7 billion on this planet and each country get's X amount of ip's. You can find the amount of ip's each country has around the world and how many are used per 1000 people here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_IPv4_address_allocation (the stats are a bit out dated but it should give a good view of how many people share the same ip around the world and it's a lot). So ip ban is not the solution and as troll already said, it's really easy to get hold of a proxy/vpn or just restart your router. tl;dr b3 is rcon but with power permissions and punkbuster is so fucking shit to use specially because it's no longer updated and hasn't been for over a year now and ip banning everyone will make you ban innocent people.
  8. I'm aware of how punkbuster works but you don't need a cheat to block screen shots(you can change one setting in ur graphics, go window mode etc...) which does not require a cheat... but it's more because punkbuster is no longer supported which means new players cannot directly update their PB to correct version and end up getting booted from the server with raid ending up with a less population on the server. Also b3 can ban players by IP as well but banning players by IP is not the best solution since so many people share the same IP (specially IPV4, actually america has ran out of unique IPV4's this month). The banning system isn't b3 fault, it's due to CoD4 being outdated, you have to remember the game did come out like 7 years ago.
  9. As troll said, Punkbuster is no longer supported and will no longer detect newer updated cheats, only really old ones. Rcon is part of the gameserver, like all gameservers and gives you full access to the server. B3 is not meant to be a anti-cheat like punkbuster, it's meant to be a Admin tool like rcon apart from it won't give all admins full permission of the server, only the permissions you set as well as add new admin commands or user commands. It also makes everything a lot easiser to admin.
  10. It requires you to have some sort of intelligence
  11. evidence?
  12. DietCoke
  13. 619
  19. go fix it then, it doesn't require a mod recompile. just compare the settings to stock cod4 ones
  20. Want to get rid of my csgo trading cards, willing to swap them for other trading cards

    1. Bandit


      Hey Lossy :], I would like to trade my Skyrim trading cards for your csgo cards, my steam name is kenny powers I will add you

    2. Bandit


      btw lossy is it possible if you could wait till monday, Stupid me just traded my cards to my limited account so all the cards are not tradable atm, on Monday I will be able to trade

    3. Lossy
    4. Show next comments  42 more
  21. Mute
  22. i can't edit .wav files with cod4 and i cba to download audacity
  23. go to settings and click optimal game settings or shout at beat to fix the weapon files sound settings
  24. bosnian, pls just shut up for once
  25. There no point, if players don't know how to enable fps counter then they won't know how to switch fps. , learn to read all posts