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All of cod4 GSC functions -
useful tuts -
Try to stick to the basic stuff and slowly move up, it's not best to jump to advance-ish stuff straight away, specially when you don't know the basic stuff like syntax, variables, arrays, maths etc...
@Jamayka it's not your vip menu, it's duffman's vip menu.
Bumpy bump!
There been quite a few updates since i made this topic and if you're still using a old version you need to manually update. Click the link below :)
If you have yet to hear about this go back to my first post or click this link
Guys please restrain yourself from causing arguements. It's okay to post GL and what you think but don't try to cause a fight.
We aren't even the ones that decide or what lead admins+ think even if we don't want some one to be admin, hell there a couple that's applied i don't want to be admin but it's not upto me :)
I don't think it's the best of ideas for you to apply for admin, at least for couple of months because of recent events and past events with raid. Specially when you're part of a clan that's trying to copy raid.
But it's not up to me :dave:
There will be another update. Also need to ask mikey if he'll do something for me because i don't know how to do it :>
EDIT: also what vip features does people wish to see in future?
wouldn't matter anyway, he's using the wait function to "time" the month. So once the map changes or a round ends and changes, the wait will restart :dumb:
If you're making a timed VIP script over days/months, it's better to use python or something more advance like that to setup such system and just use GSC part to make it happen inside CoD4 only. There a reason why GSC is called a "script" language :ph34r:
also i see a lot of errors with what you started :dave: