
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Grezwal

  1. The first anime i have ever seen depict our generation so perfectly.
    1. Down


      Which anime did you pick as your first?

    2. HyperCoD


      Lol so true xD

  2. Lossy, you've got your vernacular wrong. Its "He did it on purpose ya wanks"
  3. why does it say 2 cores xd?
    1. siikdude


      what cpu is it

    2. Grezwal


      am a10-6700 w/ radeon hd 8670D

    3. Loki


      the way amd made it is similar to intels hyper threading its 2 cores 4 modules

  4. DO IT
  5. Its a prebuilt but we have alreeady donoe that when we opened it up at the store to check. They even helped me dual boot there since i'm a nub
  6. Happy Bday ff g t <3 fuck your filters.
  7. New PC Add a 750 Ti in about a month or so. And 4 GB more of RAM next week. 250GB shared with linux dual boot.
  8. Sapphire Radeon R7 250 2GB Dual cards. Hmmm. Think this would be nice?

    1. BosnianArmy
    2. PC.
    3. Cloudy


      If you do get a crossfire configuration, make sure to not cheap out on the GPU due to it requiring more power

  9. Probably one of the funniest movies i've seen in a while except for the nudity. That was wierd.
    1. jwofles


      inbetweeners 2 :troll:

    2. Cloudy


      Spongebob Squarepants

    3. Sentrex


      Dude the inbetweeners is a whole tv series, one of my fav shows... Watch them!

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  10. How the hell do you sprint
  11. Brb, getting my notebook.
  12. When reporting a hacker to the Raid website you need to remember that you need to, Make A Demo The reason behind making a demo is so that if said player tries to appeal admins have proof that he was infact hacking. (also remember to keep your demos short and to the point) TO Start And Stop Check Your Demo Checking your demo is in my opinion required, by checking your demo you are making sure that the proof you have gathered is referable (easy to see that the the player is in fact hacking.) Easiest convenience is Cod4player Contact An admin You can find the admin contacts at (If an admin is not online submit a ticket) you can either use Teamspeak 3 or Xfire Making a Ticket When making a ticket be sure to choose the appropriate topic Most common reports are under [Cod4] Also when making your report title it something relative like examplename Wallhack/aimbot Teamspeak 3 Download Cod4 Player How to upload I personally prefer sendspace but you may use whatever file hosting site you prefer. Finding your demos You can veiw your demos in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty 4\main\demos Just paste that into your file veiwer and it should take you there.
  13. thnx Anti <3
  14. Okay i'll start with three words then you must add 3 words to it until we have a full story. Probably very fucked up story. NO DOUBLE POSTING One day in
  15. It happens when you get killed before the title moves away.
  16. Yes Should a dachshund be an outside dog?
  17. So, recently i have been looking into getting a laptop for school work since i have so much ap work with virtual and actual school classes. However i have been unable to determine what the best choice would be. I only have around 400 dollars for play room. I'll be taking 3 ap classes next year. -__- I need to be able to: Have atleast 5 - 6 documents open at once. (word, and excel) Use Photoshop, and SonyVegas at the same time. Also, i'd like to be able to hop on and off COD4 every so often. Also it will serve as a media device for classes, movies, cartoons, anime etc. Since i've never actually bought a laptop before i'd like to be able to get a second opinion on this. Here i have 2 that i have been considering. Either intel with 4GB RAM and a 15.6" screen. OR An AMD with a 17.3" screen and 6GB RAM. I'd also like to see if you guys know any good laptops for that price range. THANKS.
  18. Im very grateful to all of you posting different laptops. If an admin could make a poll for the two options in the original post please do. I've looked at all of the sugestions noted And i will Consider them. Ill post pics on the one i buy.
  19. The one time, while i was walking on the sidewalk, my friend pushed me and I slapped his face, until he bled. Then he started to push his tight trousers down until they reached his precious weed. Which was medicinal, and had a Pikachu inside the coolest backpack ever.
  20. This one time, while i was walking on the sidewalk, my friend pushed me and I _____ __ _____
  21. So, i attempted to get a life. In return life gave me a broken ankle.

    1. Anti


      Grezwal, stop watching all the Narwhaltoes and Bleaches and acting them out. That stuff will and apparently already has messed up your life D:

    2. Grezwal


      nah mate. I was pushed. Life (my friend) pushed meh.

    3. Grezwal


      obv not his real name.^^

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