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About Jumpy

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/13/96

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    I was born an egg

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  1. How did you import the models?
  2. So is yours...
  3. meh...
  4. Okey... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3HhjH7RXTI
  5. What are you talking about? What reactions?
  6. It started today. Whenever I want to test any of my maps or even join a dr server i get this error: Couldn't load maps/mp/mp_deathrun_coyote.d3dbsp I downloaded a cfg for my map and it messed up my settings, maybe that's the problem?
  7. I know right? Some people just don't care...
  8. I'm getting one rye nau
  9. Ok, I will remake the video and make it better. With filmtweaks and full hd. K m8?
  10. How the? How did you even do that? I didn't even have my gsc in the downlaod... WTF?
  11. Well, you might not have to like it but my map got added to two servers already... I released it because I wanted to, not because I wanted it to be added to Raids deathrun rotation...............................................................................................................................................
  12. K.
  13. What should I do then? Rotate two naked lady models :D?
  14. K and thanks!