Do you accept the requirements?: mhm What is your real name?: Josh Sinnott What is your in-game name?: Fedzor / RvS'Fedzor / J. Feddy How old are you?: 17 Years, and 5 Months. ( 03 . 05 . 1998 ) What is your primary server?: Deathrun What is your B3 CID?: @75107 What is your Steam?: Fedzor2 What makes you a good admin?: Absolutely nothing, i suck :<. As stated in my previous application. I am experienced in doing this type of thing, you may not know but i am the owner of Reverse Gaming. at Reverse Gaming, we specialise in running a dedicated server, with servers like: Deathrun, CJ, Minecraft, etc. pretty much what this Community does. I am very experienced in this field of administration, and that is why i think i'm a suitable candidate for Raid. What skills do you have?: I'm a fast thinker, I can help with all sorts of server issues ( depends on the problem ) and i am also currently learning html, and php in College, on my IT Course. What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: Nova' Crew, Team Line X, 7'sR, 3xP, boss', RvS Why should we choose you?: I feel that my past with Raid-Gaming has long faded, and i'm hoping it can be seen as a mere nightmare. You should choose me for the reasons i stated above. i'd be active most of the day on the deathrun server mainly, i can be active in teamspeak when i'm needed/wanted, and i'm just a nice nublet over all :)
Thanks for reading my application.
Good Luck to any other applicants :)