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Everything posted by Gabe

  1. yeah good idea i just dont need the effects which happens in the trap^ and i make the brush nonsolid..
  2. how would i make a quicksand trap?
  3. Thanks quennnch :wub: i will try my best to make a river! and some kind of market on the side of the course.. :p
  4. well, how else do u put the .menu in the map? and put script in it to make it work? :p
  5. UPDATE Added ambient Added VIP Chaanged the activator box changed the minigun damage and sound Added another trap Added a billboard with the raid logo on it. The activator box is not floating any more.
  6. Lossy not everyones map needs .menus... infact most people making maps for cod 4 community hardly even know how to script (ironic how im making a map atm :dave: ) let alone put a .menu in their map and make it work when u press something...
  7. anyone know where i can get a cat that hates me? :troll:
  8. at least my map doesnt have any script errors and i am going to fence off the edge of the map with small pyramids... thanks doe i apreciate the love :p
  9. u tested last night :p
  10. thanks for you encouragement :wub:
  11. don't worry, the secret will be a secret, and also im not in the mood for making it a cj secret... that is all im saying
  12. thanks <3
  13. but im better than you so u must take for ever :troll:
  14. nope you cant
  15. im bored because it takes for ever to rank up :p
  17. Your grammar & spelling makes me cringe. :troll:
  18. this video is kind of what Drazy is making but not this one he is making another version of it..
  19. @darksoul if that image is imported *if even possible* then the image will be a white texture to another player..
  20. why does everyone copy me after i do it... ^^
  21. i swear you have been with us for like a few months now... i guess Welcome to the forums! but not team speak and the other raid servers :p
  22. he didn't forget, he just wanted new ones and was looking for an artist that could make new ones for us :dave: