
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Gabe

  1. Try and come up with a nick name for the person that replies above you. rules Dont give someone a nick name that you personally have already given them in this thread They can't be rude.
  2. I DARE you to paste what you have copied right now. Rules: You can only do it once every 24 hrs You can't edit your old post.
  3. what is the IP to it then ?
  4. my rank up game to eagle NO I DO NOT GET CARRIED

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. PC.


      just a fukin rank quit giving gabe shite

    3. Beatthat


      Yea because those supremes aren't cheating

    4. Spencer


      Well, i guess thats correct

  5. I will celebrate when police treat blacks the same as whites in america :gaybe:
  6. Hey guys!! It is Raid's 2nd Year Anniversary on the 30th of July. I want to start a game hype. Because only a few months ago we all thought that Raid was going to shut down this April... Luckily the cuntish , decided to take it over and pay for the dedi, and thanks to your donations that has helped ALOT. So to start a hype and leading up to the anniversary all put in your most memorable experiences with Raid whether it was a different game to CoD 4 but playing with Raid members or playing on CoD 4. Good luck and I enjoy to look forward to seeing your entries ;) Lots of Love, -@Gabe
  7. Also, i think it would be really cool and help out with this event thing if Raid has CS:GO servers?
  8. Guys, we are missing the whole point of this thread.... We are supposed to post our best memories with Raid... Here is mine:
  9. Trust me, I highly doubt it will be.... The leaders of Raid have very creative minds :P
  10. Thats why i said "WILL" be planned @Lossy :dave: Dont act like we didn't notice that small piece of text :troll:
  11. Don't worry something special will be planned ;)
  12. Sorry :gaybe: but this is my post :p
  13. We haven't reached it yet :dave: 2 months to go!
  14. There is still 2 months to get screen shots and videos so start snapping and videoing!!! Post something good earlier, for reasons that will happen on the day of the anniversary.. ;)
  15. Thanks even though it was 27th April
  17. Guys, give my screen shot a thumbs up it is hilarious xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jwofles


      i was going to thumbs down but i couldnt be bothered to sign in

    3. Purity
    4. Spencer
  18. Alright so, i haven't been on the forums as frequently as i would like to and as there are more than 1000 members on raid i feel like i have only met a small amount of the raid community... To all the new people, Hi. I am Gabe (Gabriel) I am a retired admin and you may recognise me from this smiley :gaybe:. Yes that is me :dave:.... If you have already met me feel free to share memories in the comments and if you haven't, tell me about yourself and it will be a good way of meeting new people :) Lots of love as always, Gabe
  19. Never did leave you @jwofles :wub:
  20. @@siikdude How the fuck do you have 140% accuracy with your ak47 do you boost or something?
  21. The best screenshot of all, when you are banned for 7 days :dave: (although it says 6 days now....)
  22. Don't blame you
  23. So many kind words nice to see you all :gaybe: :wub:
  24. I donated $10 add me into the raffle pls <3