
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Gabe

  1. we have enough sprays but thanks for the suggestion :D
  2. Hai Exotic :D
  3. Derpmuh :dave:
  4. ^ Grawley? "Dynamite"
  5. haha you nub i missed you <3
  6. I know this is not important to anyones life but i thought this can make a few Raid members laugh a little, so i decided to post it in Media. (as there is no offtopic forum section) PS> Click the picture
  7. ////Player settings //player's name //player's health, can be set above their maxhealth player.maxspeed //max speed they can move at, default 190 (?) player.maxhealth //health the player spawns with player.pers["team"] //team of the player. I think these are still allies/axis, because the killplayer script works player.hasradar //if player has/allowed rader? player.kills //number of kills player.headiconteam //team sees this icon above teammate's head player.headicon //player's icon above their head player.statusicon //player's icon in scores list player.deaths //number of deaths player.sessionstate (allies, axis, none, spectator) //// setrank() //set's player's rank updatescores() //updates player's score? unsetperk() //? clearperks() //clear's the player's perks getweaponslistprimaries() //gets list of current primary weapons? (might be just two, max) getweaponslist() //gets a list of player's current weapons setactionslot() //what? setspreadoverride() //sets weapon spread override? allowsprint() //allow/disallow sprinting for a player allowjump() //allow/disallow jumping for a player allowads() //allow aim down sight, default true I suppose getguid() //gets the short guid of the player getxuid() //? istalking() //returns true if they are in the console/chatting? playlocalsound() //starts a sound playing only for that player stoplocalsound() //stops a sound playing only for that player setclientdvar(,) //sets a client (d)variable, like cg_drawfps cloneplayer() //clones a player, clone isn't like normal player but is used for dead bodies and coduo anyway, not sure here iprintlnbold("text") //prints a big line in the middle of the screen, if no player is specified then everyone sees it iprintln("text") //prints a small line on the bottom left of the screen, if no player is specified then everyone sees it getweaponammostock() getweaponammoclip() setweaponammostock() setweaponammoclip() enableweapons() //see below disableweapons() //was disableweapon() in coduo, puts weapons away until they are re-enabled (for one player) freezecontrols() //might only work in multiplayer, but something is used at the start of MP games to do this openmenunomouse() //opens a specified menu with no mouse pointer, like show map in coduo openmenu() //opens a specified menu suicide() //kills player :D dropitem() //drops a specified item (weapon) setspawnweapon() //sets the player's spawning weapon sayteam() //sends a chat message to the player's team from that player sayall() //sends a chat message to everyone from a player buttonpressed() //maybe you can see if any button is pressed by it's name? e.g. F12 getviewmodel() //(edit: viewmodel_hands_new) setviewmodel() //? pingplayer() //returns ping of player? isonground() //returns true if player is touching the floor playerads() //returns true if player is aimed down sight? ///Button presses, could only use attack, melee, and use buttons in uo :( fragbuttonpressed() //not sure meleebuttonpressed() //bash (v not shift :o) adsbuttonpressed() //aim down sight attackbuttonpressed() //good old clicking usebuttonpressed() //activate key e.g. if(player(attackbuttonpressed)) iprintlnbold("HEY!"); getplayerangles() //gets the view angles of a player (in coduo we couldn't get the up/down angles, hopefully not the same here) setplayerangles() //sets the view angles of a player getvelocity() //gets the current speed of an entity setorigin() //moves the player to a point on x/y/z switchtoweapon() //switches the player to a certain weapon/weaponslot? hasweapon() //returns true if they have that weapon? getcurrentweapon() //gets the weapon in the player's hand takeallweapons() //takes all weps off a player giveweapon() //gives a certain weapon in a certain weapon slot isonladder() //checks if an entity is on a ladder setmovespeedscale() //sets the scale of movement speed, default might be 190 playrumbleonentity() //plays a rumble on an entity? stoploopsound() //stops the looping sound on an entity playloopsound() //plays a looping sound on an entity playsoundtoplayer() //plays sound to one player playsoundtoteam() //plays a sound to one team playsound() //plays a sound on an entity like a script_model/player istouching() //if one element is touching another e.g. if(thing1(istouching(thing2)) iprintlnbold("boo"); ambientstop() //stops the ambient sound ambientplay() //plays an ambient (usually looping) sound setExpFog( , , R, G, B, ? (cullrange) ); /////Hud scripting destroy() //deletes hud element moveovertime() //moves it to diff point on the screen, over time scaleovertime() //resizes the element over time fadeovertime() //fades the element over time glowalpha //same as below, transparency glowcolor //new thing, guess it controls the glowy text color hidewhendead //guess: hides the element when player is dead hidewheninmenu //guess: hides the element if the player has a menu up sort //sort order on screen label //? alpha //transparency from 0 to 1 color //color of hudelem...? vertalign //? horzalign //? aligny //aligns the element on y alignx //aligns the element on x fontscale //sets size of font setText() //sets text on a hudelement ///// And, in that section of the gsc is an interesting little dvar: "g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed" (Speed at which to push intersecting players away from each other) ////Vehicle stuff setdamagestage() //? setvehicleteam() //sets vehicle's owner team clearturrettarget() //? setturrettargetent() //? setturrettargetvec() //? fireweapon() //fires the turret/main weapon setvehweapon() //sets the vehicle's weapon getspeedmph() //speed in mph getspeed() //speed in...something units maybe? (like inches) setspeed() //sets speed in game units //// ////Precaching precachelocationselector() //where you can choose to spawn precacheheadicon() //icons above player's heads precachestatusicon() //icons next to player names in scores precachemenu() //menu files, like main menu/weapon menu precacherumble() //new thingy, dunno what it does :o precachestring() //precaches text to be used in hud stuff precacheshader() //eg gfx/hud/hud@artillery_fire.tga or something precacheitem() //use this to precache weapon files precacheshellshock() //precaches a .shock file (coduo) precachemodel() //precaches any xmodel precacheturret() //guessing it gets the turret's model and wep file //// Random example of external code: maps\mp\_fx::OneShotfx( effectname, (x y z), predelay); Plays once at x,y,z after seconds and some other stuff Known FX oadfx("explosions/tanker_explosion"); loadfx("weather/snow_wind"); loadfx("smoke/hallway_smoke_light"); loadfx("weather/snow_light_mp_bloc"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_bog_horizon_flash"); loadfx("smoke/battlefield_smokebank_bog_a"); loadfx("weather/fog_bog_a"); loadfx("misc/antiair_runner_night"); loadfx("fire/firelp_barrel_pm"); loadfx("explosions/grenadeExp_concrete_1"); loadfx("explosions/grenadeExp_dirt_1"); loadfx("explosions/grenadeExp_wood"); loadfx("explosions/grenadeExp_wood"); loadfx("explosions/grenadeExp_dirt_1"); loadfx("explosions/grenadeExp_concrete_1"); loadfx("explosions/grenadeExp_concrete_1"); loadfx("weather/rain_mp_cargoship"); loadfx("weather/lightning_mp_farm"); loadfx("misc/cgoshp_drips"); loadfx("misc/cgoshp_drips_a"); loadfx("weather/rain_noise"); loadfx("weather/rain_noise_ud"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_cargoship_rain_noise01"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_cargoship_rain_noise02"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_cargoship_rain_noise03"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_cargoship_rain_noise04"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_cargoship_rain_noise05"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_cargoship_rain_noise_ud01"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_cargoship_rain_noise_ud02"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_cargoship_rain_noise_ud03"); loadfx("weather/fog_bog_a"); loadfx("smoke/amb_ash"); loadfx("misc/floodlight_white"); loadfx("misc/fluorescent_glow"); loadfx("misc/floodlight_yellow"); loadfx("dust/dust_wind_fast"); loadfx("dust/dust_spiral_runner"); loadfx("fire/firelp_small_pm"); loadfx("fire/firelp_small_pm_a"); loadfx("smoke/thin_black_smoke_L"); loadfx("smoke/battlefield_smokebank_S"); loadfx("fire/tank_fire_turret_abrams"); loadfx("fire/tank_fire_hatch"); loadfx("fire/firelp_med_pm_nodistort"); loadfx("fire/firelp_small_pm"); loadfx("fire/firelp_small_pm_a"); loadfx("dust/dust_wind_fast"); loadfx("dust/dust_wind_slow_yel_loop"); loadfx("dust/dust_spiral_runner"); loadfx("smoke/battlefield_smokebank_S"); loadfx("smoke/hallway_smoke_light"); loadfx("dust/dust_wind_slow_yel_loop"); loadfx("smoke/thin_black_smoke_L"); loadfx("smoke/thin_black_smoke_M"); loadfx("smoke/battlefield_smokebank_S"); loadfx("misc/paper_falling"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_farm_rain_splash01"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_farm_water_noise01"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_farm_water_noise_ud01"); loadfx("smoke/thin_black_smoke_M"); loadfx("smoke/thin_black_smoke_L"); loadfx("smoke/battlefield_smokebank_S"); loadfx("fire/firelp_small_pm"); loadfx("fire/firelp_small_pm_a"); loadfx("fire/firelp_med_pm_nodistort"); loadfx("misc/leaves_ground_gentlewind"); loadfx("misc/leaves_fall_gentlewind"); loadfx("misc/insects_carcass_runner"); loadfx("weather/fog_daytime"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_overgrown_insects01"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_overgrown_insects02"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_overgrown_insects03"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_overgrown_insects04"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_overgrown_insects05"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_overgrown_fog_daytime01"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_overgrown_leavesfall01"); loadfx("ambient_runners/mp_overgrown_leavesground01"); loadfx("props/glow_latern"); loadfx("explosions/tanker_explosion"); loadfx("smoke/battlefield_smokebank_S"); loadfx("dust/light_shaft_dust_large"); loadfx("dust/ash_spiral_runner"); loadfx("dust/room_dust_100_blend"); loadfx("dust/room_dust_200_blend"); loadfx("dust/dust_ceiling_ash_large"); loadfx("smoke/hallway_smoke_light"); loadfx("misc/bird_seagull_flock_large"); loadfx("weather/jeepride_cloud_bank_far"); loadfx("dust/ash_spiral_runner"); loadfx("smoke/hallway_smoke_light"); loadfx("explosions/clusterbomb"); loadfx("explosions/artilleryExp_dirt_brown"); loadfx("explosions/wall_explosion_pm_a"); loadfx("fire/jet_afterburner"); loadfx("smoke/jet_contrail"); loadfx("treadfx/heli_dust_default"); loadfx("treadfx/heli_water"); loadfx("explosions/default_explosion"); loadfx("explosions/large_vehicle_explosion"); Worldspawn settings example: "sunRadiosity" ".7" "sunlight" "0.5" "sundirection" "-22 247 0" "sundiffusecolor" "0.717647 0.776471 1.000000" "suncolor" ".68 .72 .76" "northyaw" "90" "diffusefraction" ".4" "ambient" "0.125" "_color" ".67 .72 .94" "radiosityScale" "1.8" "classname" "worldspawn" Some classnames: worldspawn info_player_start mp_global_intermission mp_dm_spawn mp_tdm_spawn mp_dom_spawn mp_dom_spawn_axis_start mp_dom_spawn_allies_start mp_sab_spawn_axis mp_sab_spawn_allies mp_sab_spawn_axis_start mp_sab_spawn_allies_start mp_sd_spawn_attacker mp_sd_spawn_defender script_vehicle script_origin script_brushmodel item_health grenade trigger_hurt trigger_lookat trigger_multiple trigger_radius Model names: head_mp_usmc_tactical_baseball_cap body_mp_usmc_sniper prop_suitcase_bomb briefcase_bomb_defuse_mp briefcase_bomb_mp Some weapon model names: projectile_hellfire_missile projectile_sidewinder_missile weapon_ac130 viewmodel_base_viewhands viewmodel_C4 viewmodel_ak47_mp viewmodel_ak47_mp_brock viewmodel_ak47_gold_mp viewmodel_ak47_grenadier_mp viewmodel_ak47_grenadier_mp_brock viewmodel_ak47_grenadier_mp_bshdwl viewmodel_ak47_grenadier_mp_bwmrpt viewmodel_ak47_grenadier_mp_cmdtgr viewmodel_ak47_grenadier_mp_stagger viewmodel_ak47_gold_grenadier_mp weapon_claymore viewmodel_at4 viewmodel_dragunov_mp viewmodel_dragunov_mp_brock viewmodel_dragunov_mp_bshdwl viewmodel_dragunov_mp_bwmrpt viewmodel_dragunov_mp_cmdtgr viewmodel_dragunov_mp_stagger viewmodel_barrett_mp viewmodel_barrett_mp_brock viewmodel_barrett_mp_bshdwl viewmodel_barrett_mp_bwmrpt viewmodel_barrett_mp_cmdtgr viewmodel_barrett_mp_stagger viewmodel_beretta_mp viewmodel_beretta_and_silencer_mp viewmodel_binoculars viewmodel_USP weapon_mk2fraggrenade viewmodel_briefcase_bomb_mp viewmodel_C4 weapon_c4_mp viewmodel_knife projectile_hellfire_missile viewmodel_colt45_mp weapon_colt1911_black source: Alternative script refrence: thought it would help somepeople if thyey were having troubles with understanding Zeroy and or needed to know what the script is used for... :dave:
  8. i want that fucking laptop now!!!!
  9. Meh

    Loki my second favourite clan owner. :D Welcome!
  10. CPU: Intel Core i7 2600K @ 3.40GHz Sandy Bridge 32nm Technology Ram: 8.00GB Single-Channel DDR3 @ 665MHz (9-9-9-24) Motherboard: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. P8B75-M LX (LGA1155) Graphics: S240HL (1920x1080@60Hz)-x2 4096MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 (EVGA) Sotrage: 931GB Seagate ST1000DM003-1CH162 ATA Device (SATA) Audio: Plantronics GameCom
  11. 995 cartons of milk on the wall, 995 cartons of milk, take nine hundred and ninety four down, pass it around 1 bottle of milk on the wall :dave:.
  12. congrats all of u kents! :D
  13. Congrats kents :D
  14. i guess this thread is dead now :dave: THAT RHYMED! :awesome:
  15. very "noice" person to be around :D Never broken any rules. Good luck! (dat double spacing Anti :dave: )
  16. Anti learn to Desktop. :Dave:
  17. rank hacker :dave: #ban :troll:
  18. nice! u better put my guid in the vip list when the update comes out :p
  19. You told me you did unless i mis-heard you... again :p
  20. how about :no: :troll:
  21. :dave: oh yeah you made your own anti hack system for deathrun T_T
  22. nubblet^^ and yeah that is what i meant :Dave:
  23. We don't give levels back, sorry, you must have dev mapped on that mod because unless you actually hacked or something that wouldn't have happened. But if im wrong Feking lossy will tell you why. :dave: