
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Gabe

  1. @Sentrex, drove past your house today :3
  2. Whale Cum! :dave:
  3. there aren't any fx on the antiblock plugin, so it is probably the map.
  4. Hopefully you got your rank back. Dont feel sad about it though, besides it is just a game :P
  5. another selfie :D
  6. Guyz pls just post a pic of you and stop commenting on other people. k Thnx
  7. can haz link pls?
  8. Or if you donate through the forums your name will appear on the side so just message the community managers your b3 id and GUID. As they already know that you donated.
  9. Released maps: mp_deathurn_chunk mp_dr_pyramid Unreleased maps: Was working with Zack to make mp_deathrun_blueberry. mp_deathrun_3lite <-- first ever map not released because it didn't seem to have any theme and overall was shit. Other: No spawn shoot plugin. spawn all plugin.
  10. Reminds me of terror :dave:

    1. atrX


      Downvotes inbound. ;)

    2. Zack


      downvote? oki.

  12. Then why are you here braxi? :troll:
  13. not for me.
  14. yeah i accused him of hax so that is why he recorded the demo :3
  15. yes please
  16. i SAY YES, he has met requirments. But the only problem is he has the nub disease.. :dave:
  17. Drake can you autograph my tit pls?
  18. Darmooh: Whip their back to make them go fast.. it worked with slaves.. :troll: Grezwal: Make sure to revise hard over everything that the test is about. Good luck!!
  19. Dem feels of being bullied from iMtroll for loosing a promod game :okay:
  20. Have a great Holiday Indian, i will miss you!!
  21. Hey guys, I'm sure alot of you that are making maps and do not know how to make .menu's are wondering "how do i get a cool looking .menu in my map that gives me a choice to play music?" Well Tom's music menu (made for COD 5 world at war) looks pretty amazing. when the UGX forum comes back online i will be sure to give you a screen shot. Anyway i decided to edit the gsc to allow it to work for Call of duty 4 so it will be compatible to be played in cod4, obviously there are some stuff in there that are not needed so feel free to take i out if you dont want it.. PS. i havent actually tested to see if it works, if it doesn't let me know what the errors are and i will help you out. Full credit goes to Tom from UGX. little credit goes to me for converting it. Download: