Le Plut0

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About Le Plut0

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 10/02/95

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
  • Interests
    Something Interesting

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  1. rmnfhkwseguesrisesewkrwerhiwroq4poqapepqorvqpwi5u203485q4eq0410pirolad
  2. Welcome to our humble abode @@Axo, enjoyyyyyyyyy :)
  3. This would be legendary. I approve @@Sheep_Wizard ! :happycry:
  4. 1. me 2. me 3. me 4. me 5. @@Ratdog
  5. Haiiiiiii weocome to the Raid community mister Cotton Eye Joe cya around. Have fun :)
  6. Car purchase goalz ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Le Plut0

      Le Plut0

      not completely if you read my status. its also great endorsement.

    3. sxk
    4. Le Plut0

      Le Plut0

      jamming to Dirty Sprite 2 by Future atm :DD


  7. simpler in post editing though because it is not a command lmfao
  8. and here is the installation tutorial for nubheds.
  9. there is an easier way to ADD motion blur via post editing @@SPi. Hope this video helps :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUHEtqjGpn0
  10. @ WRONG ... steel jet can't melt beams fuel ;) But you what CAN melt steel beam? THIS.
  11. oh boy hahahahah :xd: :xd: :xd:
  12. Here is the most comical and just straight insane culprit of it all ... the king of all conspiracies and the ruler of the herd of the tinfoil crowd.
  13. I did indeed the first time i saw this craziness hahahahahahah did you @@Grezwal ??? This is sort of the point of this post lmfao