Do you accept the requirements?: YESS!!!!!! What is your real name?: Darryl McRae What is your in-game name?: BlackSamuraii How old are you?: 14 What is your primary server?: Promod 1 or 2
What is your B3 CID?: 47390 What is your Steam?: What makes you a good admin?: I have seen multiple hackers on the promod server and no admin there, I can definitely sort that out. Although I have never made a ticket before, I'm still willing to get evidence and ban the hackers. I'm extremely active member on the forums and welcome everyone to them and wish them a good time. I would consider myself a trustworthy person and I get along with everyone. I can have fun, I can be serious, It all depends on the situation at stake. Although a lot of people consider me immature but If given half a chance I would prove everyone wrong, I just want to have a fun time. I have mentioned hackers on the TeamSpeak and Shoutbox multiple times in the past and they were all banned, therefore I know when a hacker is cheating.
What skills do you have?: I have incredible sense for hackers, and can spot them from miles away. I have very good knowledge of the general commands of B3. I have been playing the game for four to five years now so I have some experience on this game. I have zero knowledge of coding but I'm willing to stand by and learn.
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I played pXg and been apart of the forums and even applied. Why should we choose you?: I believe you should choose me we because I am a fair player and person. I can make sure our players don't have to suffer because of an unfair player. I would consider myself a friendly person and can spot hackers. Many of the people here at Raid like me too, but sometimes I get carried away and I understand that now, and will be looking to make improvements to my attitude and will be more mature in future times to come. I honestly think that I will be a good admin and I just need a shot to prove to everyone that I can be a good admin.