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Everything posted by WabbaJ@ck

  1. OOPS :D
  2. I just wanted to inform you that here's something called commas and paragraphs. Just saying you know :D
  3. lol....
  4. I got the script working! Only thing is, it's in a loop. Can I make it play in a spesific amout of time then stop? Are some fx in a loop and some not?
  5. It works when I have it like this: trap7() { smoke = getent("smoke","targetname"); level._effect[ "smoke" ] = loadfx( "deathrun/green_smoke" ); maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("smoke", (smoke.origin), 3, (smoke.origin) + (0, 0, 90)); } but when I want it to start when a trigger is activated it doesn't work...
  6. yes
  7. Can someone help me with the fx? I've spent three hours trying to figure it out, but no luck...
  8. My fx aren't working trap7() { door = getEnt("door","targetname"); trig = getEnt("trap7_trig","targetname"); trig waittill("trigger", player); //player braxi\_rank::giveRankXP("", 10); trig delete(); door moveY(-132,1); fire1 = getent("fire1","targetname"); level._effect[ "fire" ] = loadfx( "fire/firelp_med_streak_pm_h" ); maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("fire", (fire1.origin), 3, (fire1.origin) + (0, 0, 90)); door moveY(132,1); } Is there something wrong in the code? Thank you :D
  9. By the way what is the nodraw clip? Is that a texture that's non-colliding? Thank you :D
  10. You mean this: spikes enablelinkto (); spikes linkto (platform); So I can't just give the trigger a targetname and then move it in my script? Thank you :D
  11. I am thinking to add a trap where a player gets trapped in a room, then a smoke effect will be played and a death trigger will come from the above and kill the player :D The only thing is, I don't know how to kill the player without moving the trigger or having the trigger in anyway... What is the code for hurting the player? Thank you :D
  12. It's a man...
  13. What? Braxi is a female? Can someone give me a link to her picture? :D
  14. Who is Troll?
  15. I tested the map on my server and it gave me over a 100 thousand xp. The map itself is ok but the xp part is waaay to high, agree?
  16. Thank you :D I fell so welcome already :D
  17. Hehehe I knew it :D That's why I'm here. It would be an orgasmic honour to atleast say Hi to him :D