
Trial Admin
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Everything posted by nana

  1. I was playing today on Raid PM#1, and weird bug happened. Thing happened on map crossfire, the score was 10-7 for Attack. In the last round, I defused the bomb, but the point counted for Att side instead of the deff side. And they won, it was 11-7 instead of 10-8. I dont have any demo or scrns :/ All i can tell that i defused the bomb at the beginning of the round (ye it was a quick round), and there were 8 deff players vs 3 att players.
  2. ik, iv posted it in wrong section, and UNFORTUNATELY couldnt delete my OWN post. thx
  3. Hi. maybe it's just me, but it looks just weird, and doesn't fit there, maybe u could narrow it a bit ?
  4. its 2late u already have lung cancer
  5. Is it possible to put chat in front of the voting menu? Cuz its like this, at this moment:
  6. iggyz booty is so biggy

    1. BosnianArmy


      big and fake like Kim Karshitshan

    2. Mr.Shankley


      Iggyz Booty didn't rap Big Poppa. Nor does it even look black.

  7. Could u make the Vote Menu in promod server, like the new one in sniper only server? I dont know why, it just looks cooler and probably works better too.
  8. my ding dong
  9. I believe it's called "Mod Tools". Download link: Couldn't find any tutorials tho, soz.
  10. i think u forgot bout.... hmm... Life is Strange ?
  11. cod 4 command and conquer generals age of empires 3 warcraft 3 APB reloaded prince of persia 2 & 3 rayman 3
  13. Close, but nope.
  14. _______________RIDDLE______________ It belongs to you, but others use it more often.
  16. wszystkiego najlepszego B)
  17. take me, ill bust them cheaters, frekin kuntz im such a #nolif i have plenty of time, and im fair, and im rly patient and fuk them all, peace (caspa is sht1t33 admin)
  18. so caspa.... elebot huh ? you fudging liar i bet u don't even know ele binds ! u piece of aidhnaiksldnasdasdmaasdasdasdasd noob
  19. clap clap i like to fap
  20. Can you add time command ? Cuz i dont have the 3rd arm to reach my phone, and it would much easier to type: !time thx yo
  21. -_- okay then. I exercise a lot tho, i go to bathroom, i go to kitchen, i watch tv, i eat, i sleep... oh and my right arm is so strong, cuz i masturbate a lot... nvm.