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About Toch_ja

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 02/03/99

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    Germany (Hessen)

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  1. How to report hackers.. ?!

    1. MiKeY
    2. Toch_ja


      Remembered ty

      When I finish work I'll do :)

  2. Sorry English vocabulary god Not everyone can so good English like you. "Mate u should get a mirror medusa tells all" <- And this was useless.
  3. If you think so, then is this community not international That's close guys this suggestion would help a lot ppl and this community getting bigger but if u're so..
  4. My own definition of a chillout place :D A typical school lesson in germany In subject english My teacher was impressed
  5. They should find at first the thread for the passed question And the biggest problem would be uncertainty writing anything because all here is in english Which see the flag of these nationalitie and stay there for his problems
  6. it would't because english is the main language these threads are only for questions and help selections not all ppl can in this language speak and write thats why i post that as suggestion for all others^^
  7. i don't think so :D but thanks as well <3
  8. I had a Idea and your forum or Community in general have people with different nationalities so if you add me to your team i probably would follow german ppl if they need help, cause german is my vater language.. the idea is open threads for help and general disscusions for all nationalities which the admins can in his own initiative help ppl in these own language
  9. Do you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?: Antonij Gleim What is your in-game name?: Toch_ja How old are you?: already 17 What is your primary server?: promod 1#-2# What is your B3 CID?: @70633 (!regtest in promod#2 server) What is your Steam?: What makes you a good admin?: I'm Neutral and listen all sides, and yes in your rules stay 'respectful and no verbal abuse' i give my best in this subject and i would warn people too if they start insult anyone^^ What skills do you have?: scripting configs help ppl who have problems ingame i have a lot, but some aren't discovered^^ What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: you'll be the first official Community, i was in to many clans it won't indeed not necessary cause this is an Forum and not a ESL Team (I'm in V.G ESL Team) Why should we choose you?: you'll give me a chance to show my skills here, I'm maybe not really activ on teamspeak but i'm still here and report hacker i hope the best, regards Toch_ja my english skills are in process and i still learn this language :D for wrong sentences pls be patient and correct it, thanks.
  10. offensiv is not like i'll do what i want if u think i was meaning that.