
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by jwofles

  1. We have an edit button to add more content into you post instead of posting three times in a row.
  2. Congrats @Kratos and @ownybaloney, welcome to the admin team :wub:
  3. A promod server has been development and it should be done very soon.
  4. it's all fun and games until they giggle and shit :>
  5. Wii Ù is the best though, let's be real here.
  6. My PS3 died yesterday. WHERE WILL I WATCH NETFLIX NOW :cry: p.s what can I do with ps3 games, sell them?
  7. oh.. pedro..
  8. Did he use this tutorial to get the sticky stuff out of his PC?
  9. Happy bday Cloedi!
  10. Same but I got a refund but I never actually got the money :cry:
  11. Here's my bank of good photos, I like classy selfies and sunsets so bear with the similar photos xD Oh and my game is NOT on max settings, it's on like normal/low but I think the game looks beautiful nonetheless!
  12. Hi!

    Welcome @MegaPixarius!
  14. This or when you got a sick final shot and nobody even sees it :c
  15. Nice job Lossy, can't wait for the finished state :D
  16. WHY :cry: lol jk :lol: Love you tho :wub: Though you can be annoying :angry: but whatever :whistle: Anyway, thanks everyone!
  17. good maps take time bosnian..
  18. i see you looking at our promod server topic ;;;)

    1. Sam.


      I just lurk around here and silent ;x

    2. jwofles
    3. Sam.
  19. Oh Oh! Add more knives like the karambit and huntsman :> (if it's still being worked on).
  20. Add voicechat for teams with a mute button please c:
  21. Final Killcam :dave: (that's not laggy :>>>)
  22. Sign me up! Congrats to my BAE and my BOY @West :wub: Grats to my lovelies @Kratos and @ownybaloney, well done :D
  23. share the fire and darmuh PMS :>>>>