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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Very mature player and nice person to talk to! Good luck @CrAzY! :)
  2. This thread made me jump... Twice... And it's only the first page. :okay:
  3. Welcome to the forums, Hana! :)
  4. Log in through SSH using PuTTY or something similar.
  5. Welcome to the forums! :)
  6. Good luck! :)
  7. West be like: "Let's fill up the donation goal Troll added less than 24 hours ago all by myself."
  8. Love me

    Mikey applying? Exlains why you were idleing yesterday. :troll: Good luck nub. :davewub:
  9. Current active users thingy for the shoutbox displaying in the top right.
  10. Good luck Caspi! :wub:
  11. Good luck Siik!
  12. D: Good luck Hyper! :)
  13. Good luck nub! ;)
  14. Good luck Synd BAE! <3
  15. Good luck Cledi!
  16. Cangratulations Westipoo! :D
  17. Meant to downvote but phone decided to go for an upvote. ;-;
  18. This. ^ Works like that already for the flag profile field.
  19. There is, you're just in a group that can bypass filters. :dumb: Filters apply to EVERYTHING in IPB.
  20. Honestly, just get rid of them. BAD word filters were meant to filter BAD words, not spelling mistakes or internet slang. hud = newClientHudElem( self ); hud.horzAlign = "center"; hud.vertAlign = "middle"; hud.alignX = "center"; hud.alignY = "middle"; hud.why = 32; // Lossy code hud.label = "Lossy please..."; Nice.
  21. They don't really avoid that, tbf. If I remember correctly, some of them also contained some Lossy-grammar. :troll:
  22. So... I'm (probably, unless I cba to) editing Promod cause I'm a Troll cannot into modding (and Lossynub is doing some menu stuff cause what I showed him looked shit compared to Raid's other menu stuff) and have absolutely no clue what to add to the mod. I'm currently working on an anti-cheat system and could use some ideas for other things to do when I'm done with this. The faster you nubs give me good ideas, the faster we can get a server running so be quick. ;-; Regards, Toxic.
  23. Erhm... Pretty sure a square has 4 edges/corners and a triangle 3... :xd: