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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Erhm, entirely possible...
  2. ...
  3. Congratulations nubs!
  4. Happy birthday Cledi nub! Triton that gif is amazing.
  5. I... I'm not sure what to say besides... WTF?! :xd:
  6. Ayy lmao, time to get drunk.

    1. iMtroll


      Also, you're only 17?

    2. BraXi


      +Bosnian is a muslim so he can't drink alcohol :sponge: :sponge:

    3. BosnianArmy


      @Troll, well yes and no to be honest :dave: and I'm 18 in june :awesome:

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  7. Lies.
  8. Didn't you study ICT, Bosnian? How did you not get kicked out yet if you don't even know basic algebra? o_O
  9. Everyone loves a good laugh once in a while, right? I bet it's not just me that laughs his ass off when receiving PMs from time to time, is it? Let's have a laugh at PMs together! Important: Keep the people who the PM is from annonymous, we don't need drama starting around a thread meant for lols. Pls...: If an admin feels this thread will end up in arguments or something like that, feel free to close. :)
  10. :motherofgod: Adding it as we speak, this is groundbreaking shit right here.
  11. Congratulations @jwofles and @West. <3 Good luck with your trials @Kratos and @ownybaloney! :)
  12. I was bored and decided to make this game about Mikey.!JEJiEZba!KOs8ytApUKfKT_GBS9tskeBSFvNM6jFOIOA6hGcn3q0
  13. Go home you're drunk.
  14. I mean... I have a lot of free time the rest of this and next week. :whistle: Wouldn't mind some ideas for customisation though. ^
  15. Drinking. :dumb: In all seriousness, going out with friends to parties 'n stuff.
  16. Corrected that for you. If you had a dedi you'd be able to do whatever you want.
  17. ^
  18. Yes please, I love Promod. ;-;
  19. But Lossy... It's all publicly available? :troll:
  20. I have no AK skins, this is my chance. :happycry:
  21. No. Can we stop asking if this is going to be the last post?
  22. You're a bad person.
  23. It's not april fools anymore Bosnian... If Troll posted it in the announcements board I'm pretty sure it's true... Don't think anyone here can say they expected this from Anti, honestly. Quite sad to see such a capable admin do such a thing. :/
  24. Welcome to the forums!