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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Addicted to CS:GO... ;-;

    1. Triton


      Its like a fcking virus. ITS INFECTING EVERYONE.

    2. Darmuh


      another one bites de_dust

    3. BosnianArmy


      I'm addicted tho :3

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  2. :horror:
  3. I'm still working on mine, just taking more breaks than is good. :dumb:
  4. Idk, ask Triton, he has heard me sing a couple times. :dumb:Edit: I'm Santa Claus! :D
  5. 1v1 rust bro.
  6. Been a while I last posted one, hair is messy but eh... :dumb: Much shitty phone camera quality: Dat blurry C# code in the background though. :dave:
  7. Lossy is big meany not wanting to add my hook to forums. :okay:

    1. Headdy


      "my hook" what did you make? :D

    2. atrX


      Just this shitty stuff + BBCode for xf and steam banners which isn't shown cuz ya know, effort

    3. Headdy


      Make the banners look the same and the icons. :P

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  8. 1) Belgian Fries 2) Belgian Waffles 3) Belgian Chocolate :dave:
  9. Lossy is a nublord, don't trust him. :ph34r: Anyways, welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay! :) Ples... We all know you're just trying to get in her pants. :troll:
  10. Count me in, will start mapping this weekend when I released my other shitty map.
  11. Darmuh, please stop bitching about JWofles bitching about you bitching about him bitching. :troll: Now I'm bitching. :okay:

  12. My thoughts. ^ I myself would like to see a slider on the homepage where you feature either new maps or maps staff feels are good (whatever floats your boat, new maps can be set up to automatically add new maps, but good maps would obviously have to be done manually, although takes practically no effort) like the one I added to CoDScript's homepage: There's an easy to set up application for it, just google "(BIM34) Featured Content" if you're interested. Edit: Official IPS Marketplace page for it: Just ask me if you want it for free (would also include their shitty controls template fixed for dark themes). :dave:
  13. Eh, you can make a script-fest of a regular MP map, just need to be creative with it. :dave:
  14. You're still nub though. :troll:@Anti shoutbox.
  15. Nothing childish about that... What he said was in fact stupid and incosiderate. It pisses me off when someone says/pretends one person is better than another, which is essentially what Bosnian was saying. If anyone here is being childish it's him. If you were reffering to the swearing, adults swear but they don't get called childish for it, infact, kids and teens have to have learnt swearing somewhere, so that would be extremely hypocritical.
  16. Not even gonna express how childish that was... Don't think your brains can handle the point I'm trying to get accross so will just leave it at this. Wait, I'm childish? Please quote me one childish thing I said...
  17. No shit, as I said, ANYONE can. -.- Just have to be dedicated...
  18. One's opninion isn't a fact, fact is that there's nothing amazing about it. Also find it funny how you mentionned Lossy would be able to make a good looking map in 2 weeks when his last few maps have been WIP for over a year. You're essentially contradicting yourself. :dumb: Edit: You said "she", you really still think BraXi is a girl? LMFAO!
  19. That's nowhere near amazing for a few days... As I said, stop pretending he's a god and making others seem less than BraXi...
  20. You're acting as if BraXi is a god. I can tell you one thing, any human being with eyes can whip something nice up in limited time...
  21. Bitch please... I'm not even gonna fucking tell you how stupid that is of you to say such things... Anyone who dedicates him/herself to working on the map for 2 weeks (meaning actually doing shit every day unlike most of us :dumb:) can make a good map...
  22. Have had these two on replay the entire fucking day already... Krewella <3.
  23. Depends what type of map, tbh. I'm interested and don't have to study for my exams so ye... :P
  24. Point is to fix it. :dave: Just saying it wouldn't do anything doesn't fix the script.