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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Yep, it would never execute the code in the if statement because of its place. :dumb:
  2. Before: step6_death_watch() { time = 5; self waittill( "death" ); if( isDefined( level.ee_step6_active ) && level.ee_step6_active && self isTouching( level.ee_step6_radius ) && level.ee_step6_souls < level.ee_step6_soul_c ) { org = spawn( "script_origin", self.origin ); tag = spawn( "script_model", self.origin ); tag setModel( "tag_origin" ); tag enableLinkTo(); tag linkTo( org ); tag thread step6_fx( time ); org moveTo( level.ee_step6_fx_goto.origin, time ); org waittill( "movedone" ); if( level.ee_step6_souls >= level.ee_step6_soul_c ) { level.ee_step6_active = false; flag_set( "ee_step6" ); } wait 8; tag delete(); org delete(); level.ee_step6_souls++; } } After: step6_death_watch() { time = 5; self waittill( "death" ); if( isDefined( level.ee_step6_active ) && level.ee_step6_active && self isTouching( level.ee_step6_radius ) && level.ee_step6_souls < level.ee_step6_soul_c ) { org = spawn( "script_origin", self.origin ); tag = spawn( "script_model", self.origin ); tag setModel( "tag_origin" ); tag enableLinkTo(); tag linkTo( org ); tag thread step6_fx( time ); org moveTo( level.ee_step6_fx_goto.origin, time ); org waittill( "movedone" ); wait 8; tag delete(); org delete(); level.ee_step6_souls++; if( level.ee_step6_souls >= level.ee_step6_soul_c ) { level.ee_step6_active = false; flag_set( "ee_step6" ); } } } GG guys. :)
  3. As per request: JWofles used to not like (could say hate) all my maps, but he's been beta testing my newest zombie map the past 2 days and today Triton managed to capture this: I <3 you waffles. :davewub:
  4. You sure? Cause there's nothing wrong with that. :dave: That doesn't even make sense, if you look further in the script it should become clear that level.ee_step6_souls and level.ee_step6_soul_c are integers, but you're using level.ee_step6_soul_c as if it was a boolean.Edit: As Lossy said, Sentrex is really close, might wanna take a look at what he said.
  5. I'll post the answer in a couple hours if no one has found it by then so we can have someone else post. :dave:
  6. His name on ZM, UGX etc and in WaW is Jwofle...
  7. Cause I told you. :dumb:
  8. All wrong.
  9. Lossy's idea. :dumb:
  10. Why the fuck do I get 4 downvotes for a joke? ;-; Am I the new Bosnian? :horror:
  11. Lossy gives free blowjobs if you vote for slay, slay v2 and rage! :troll:
  12. How many people am I gonna have to tell it's win95 and not xp. ;-;
  13. It's also a map on MW2, know your CoDs, nub! :rage: Should probably go back ontopic. :dave:
  14. 1v1 me Rust, Intervention 360 noscope 420 blaze it 1337 mlg trickshot only.
  15. I vouch for either Anti or myself, you're too nub. :troll:
  16. Aww... Max upvotes reached... :okay:
  17. Thanks nubs. :davewub: why'all deserve some: Edit: FFS LOSSY, TURN DEM FILTERS OFF! :rage:
  18. Even cannot into Helena

  19. Yes. Should Lossy remove all bad word filters to avoid shit like this?
  20. Most likely done through HUD elements, have a look at this: :dave: tl;dr: Setting a shader: hud setShader( <materialname> ); // Optionally can do setShader( <materialname>, <width>, <height> ) If you want it to move (can't remember if it did this on I will rock you) change the x/why coördinates over time and use moveOverTime(): hud moveOverTime( <time> ); // Time is a float (eg: 1, 1.3, 13.37, ...) hud.x += 100; hud.why += 100; Edit: FFS Lossy! ;-; Those silly filters even apply in code boxes. :rage:
  21. JR are my initials and I'm not imaginative, so eh, why not? :dave: JRImagine looked shit so I added a hyphen. :dumb:
  22. :dave:
  23. Problem?
  24. Dat. Reputation. Wow.