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Everything posted by atrX

  1. I used your own stupid "insult" against you, stop looking down on people when you're not perfect yourself, nobody is perfect. Anyways, I'll leave this thread before I end up getting in another argument with you.
  2. Welcome to the forums! :) IDK which English class you got, but you got a very bad one. :facepalm:
  3. PM her on the site, she's probably gonna ask more than $5, I was joking about that, even said paypal ME $5. :dumb:
  4. Eh... I don't add people I don't know on Skype, I have to appear as offline every time cause otherwise I get spammed with people asking for help. (Mainly custom zombies guys asking for scripting help cause I'm Community Scripter on UGX. :dumb:) Could've also approached me in private if you really wanted help specifically from me. ;) What did you do inbetween saves? Did you change anything to the lightgrid? Have you checked your lightpreview in Radiant (select all lights and make sure you are previewing at max intensity)? When compiling reflections, is that area lit up or not? For the not being able to walk there problem, can you just not move or do you fall through? If you fall through you might have made your brushes non-solid, select them and hit Selection -> Make structural. If not, check if you didn't add a brush (caulk, clip, ...) covering that area on accident.
  5. You need deathrun sources, which, most likely, no one is going to hand out to you. BraXi sells her sources if you're really that desperate, or you could keep nagging people who have them. Paypal me $5 and they're yours. #Not :dumb:
  6. I feel like I've seen like half of those before as templates... Oh well...
  7. You did not just call a config file C++... :dumb: #include <iostream> namespace std; int main() { // Don't even ask... cout << "Uwotm8?" << endl; cin.get(); }
  8. Don't be hating on Ubuntu. :rage: Ubuntu is a great OS, personal favourite is Xubuntu.
  9. Personal preference I guess. :P Eh, takes like 30 seconds (depending on how much stuff is included with the theme) once you know what to do (put theme in C:\Windows\Resources\Themes, install fonts if required, backup original ExplorerFrame.dll in C:\Windows\System32 and replace it with either 32-bit or 64-bit one (depending on what you have) from the theme, log out, log in, turn theme on from Control Panel, done). I don't have a version with my regular wallpaper saved for all those themes (I have like 50 installed :dumb:) and some set a custom wallpaper when turning them on, no dynamic wallpaper for me, would annoy me.
  10. Point is?
  11. I've been working on some traps, the trap menu and the map itself. I'll post a video update once I feel I've made enough progress to show off, for now, this'll do: WIP Swarm trap, spawns 8-12 (random amount) hunter killers and fires one every 3 seconds at a random location in the map. Target locations are marked with FX to balance the trap for players. Ignore there being no skybox, me being in fullbright (no worldspawn settings yet) and the GUID spoofing stuff (blame devmap and anti guid spoof plugin). Will add a lot more detail once I'm done with the basic map (need a ton of decals too).
  12. Eh: #CustomThemes4Life
  13. Auto activation if no traps are activated after a certain amount of time? :dave: No.
  14. Scripting when tired makes me mad. >:(

  15. Must be my PC, but it doesn't display the upvote button on Bosnians posts:
  16. Actually, ZM nearly got taken down for posting raw assets when someone reported it to ATVI. I wonder what Activision would do if they found out people are selling assets...
  17. Please, don't use Fit... -.- Stretch +-15 (differs for each texture, I found a stretch of 15 works good for the default water texture) horizontally and vertically using the Surface Inspector. > Inb4 tells me it looks fine using Fit, cause it doesn't.
  18. Happy birthday Synd!
  19. :facepalm: Will try the map once I fix my stupid texture problem. ;-;
  20. If no one finishes a Mike Myers mod before I finish my current projects I shall make one and have a Axe for mr Mike. :sir: Don't take my word for it though.
  21. They got leaked on Raid forums once, remember? Ton of people got them from that too.
  22. If there isn't in cod4 mod tools, there is one in cod5's. ;)
  23. Tons of people can. :dumb:
  24. 1) Learn to not quote whole posts. 2) A decent PC can easily handle that in Radiant, yours could handle it with Cubic Clipping enabled. Now ontopic to discuss this beaty of a map. :motherofgod:
  25. Holy mother of God. :motherofgod: Cause his PC isn't as shit as yours. :dave: