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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Such a lovely map, love the texture work. We'll add it to the server in the next update which should be rolling out soon. ^
  2. What's ur mean?
  3. So I've replaced score with the amount of times someone's completed the map, assists with speed and deaths with FPS. I tried putting personal records on the scoreboard but turns out it only allows integers (whole numbers) to be displayed on it. So now I kinda have no clue what to replace kills with, any ideas?
  4. Fun little map, we'll add it to the server soon. :) Should probably submit it to ModDB as an addon too: Edit: It's on the server now.
  5. Hi there! Just making a quick topic to tell you all the developer tools for the mod have been released over at You can also use this version of the mod to play surf maps locally instead of on the server if you prefer so due to reason like high ping. Of course this does mean your records will not submit to the leaderboards and you can not rank up (all custom items were also taken out of the mod). Regards, atrX
  6. Errors related to missing entities are printed using iPrintLnBold(). Any other errors in a map are honestly not my concern nor could I do anything about it. The server console already prints the majority of errors so that's also a source mappers can use.
  7. Because those files use custom functions and methods from the server patch. ;)
  8. Emerald Doppler looks fucking sick.
  9. Sup

    Eh, sorta looked like the guy in his profile pic so figured it would've been him. Either way, I've removed the image from my post. ;)
  10. Sup

    Guess that's how he got into multiple of his accounts then. Don't know how I didn't think of that. :P
  11. Sup

    IDK, some script kiddie. Seems like this is his twitter:'m going to send an email to xMG telling him his account is safe.
  12. I'll see what I can do, don't want to make it too obnoxious obviously. The mod will constantly tell you if you're missing any required entities.
  13. Open Beta Starting from this moment you can play the mod on our public beta server: Content As promised here's a list of all content currently in the mod: Characters US Marine Farmer Zakhaev Makarov Terrorist Juggernaut Eliza 50 Cent Masterchief Captain America Duke Nukem Terminator Joker Deadpool Ratchet Shadow Weapons M9 Beretta USP-S Five-Seven P99 P2000 RK5 RE45 M1911 Desert Eagle Mauser MC96 Hands US Marine Bare Desert Opfor Sniper Juggernaut 50 Cent Captain America Duke Nukem Knives SOG StatGear Bowie Huntsman Karambit M9 Bayonet Trails (VIP only) Blue Green Pink Purple Red Yellow Ranks Currently you have the ability to rank up to level 30. You can gain XP by just playing, finishing a map or setting a new record. The higher your rank the more XP will be required to level up. VIP Features Aside from trails we're also thinking of giving a handful more items to VIPs. Some of our ideas include hats, statusicon, headicon, VIP weapon, VIP character model, etc. You can find out how to receive VIP here: If you have donated and are not currently a VIP, please contact @@MiKeY. Gameplay Features Timer Online records Speed meter Ability to see what buttons people are pressing when spectating them Auto bhop Mapvote ... Current known bugs/issues mp_surf_utopia has a LOT of holes in surfaces, I'm looking into fixing this. (I also didn't compile lighting on the highest settings as it would've taken too long for a semi-broken map) Gameplay-wise the map plays fine though. Telehopping doesn't work the majority of the time. You can surf by pressing either A or D regardless of what side you're surfing on.
  14. Current list with fixes that will most likely go live today: Pressing S (or whatever you have bound to backward) while surfing or air strafing will now stop your movement. Pressing W (or your equivalent of forward) while on a surf ramp will make you drop off the surf. Bunny hop glitch with >1k speed has been fixed. Bunny hopping with W is no longer possible, instead I've improved the regular bhop (pressing W while bhopping has no effect). You no longer lose speed when initiating a bunny hop on >1k speed. Telehopping is now possible at any speed (due to engine limitations this can still bug out from time to time, so please be aware of this). Probably forgot some stuff but these are the most important things. I've also done some fixes to mp_surf_beginner which will require you to redownload this map. mp_surf_utopia may receive an update aswell. Edit: Won't be for today, Mikey hasn't been on and I have an exam tomorrow so I'm not going to wait for him to get back from whatever he went to do. Edit: Here's a changelog of the new update: New: VIPs now get double XP. Fullbright toggle, FOV slider, FOV scale slider and third person toggle located in Options -> Game Options. Added new VIP feature: status icon Added the ability for mappers to make zones where your bunny hop speed is limited to 300. Fixes: You have to actually press the correct movement key to stay on a surf ramp now. Bunny hop glitch with >1k speed has been fixed. Bunny hopping with W is no longer possible, instead I've improved the regular bhop (pressing W while bhopping has no effect). You no longer lose speed when initiating a bunny hop on >1k speed. Telehopping is now possible at any speed (due to engine limitations this can still bug out from time to time, so please be aware of this). Changes: Pressing S (or whatever you have bound to backward) while surfing or air strafing will now stop your movement. Pressing W (or your equivalent of forward) while on a surf ramp will make you drop off the surf. Added slowdown kvps to certain teleports on mp_surf_beginner to stop you from flying off the platform as soon as you spawn. Increased the base xp amount you gain whilst playing slightly.
  15. Beatiboy I'll miss you, now I'm the lonely purple guy. :c
  16. Thanks for everything you've done for us Troll, without you there wouldn't even be a Raid anymore. You will be dearly missed. <3
  17. Official Trailer Open Beta We've scheduled the release for the open beta on the 12th of June. The actual time of the day at which the server will be going up will be dependant on if we encounter any issues with setting up the server. Current State of the Mod Currently we only have a selection of 2 maps. We are counting on the community to further develop maps for the mod. Instructions of how to create a map along with the release of the developer package (including a stripped-down version of the mod and a stripped-down server patch) will be released some time next week, most likely. The mod itself currently lacks some VIP features but that's about it. The exact features and content of the mod will be listed on release day. Questions? If you have any questions, concerns, ... feel free to leave a comment down below. I'll do my best to answer all of them. :)
  18. You're pretty much spot on with how XP works in this mod. You'll also additionally gain XP if you beat the world record on a map. :dave:
  19. Not having CS, different maps (mp_surf_space is not a port and a developer package will be released soon so others can also make maps for it), any of the reasons that made deathrun popular could also perhaps apply, etc.
  20. Your application is now available to be voted on. Good luck! :)
  21. You can't send/receive data to/from your own public IP. is just fine. ;) No clue what an ISP IP is supposed to be but he means your public IP, as in the one used by your router to send/receive data on the internet.
  22. I told you about the port number in shoutbox already... FFS do you ever read? You have the port set to 28960 in your batch script whilst B3 is trying to connect to a server on 28961...
  23. He'd have to stoop pretty damn low to do so.
  24. What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across theUSA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.