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Everything posted by atrX

  1. It's THAT scary? Now I need to play...
  2. Welcome to the forums! :) MY NAME!!! :yay: <3 Anti
  3. Congratulations Bumba, Bear, PC and Sentrex! :)
  4. Good luck Purity! Nice guy to talk to on Teamspeak, behaves mature, would make for a great admin! :)
  5. Hid the whole reply in a spoiler to not make this page a lot longer: No thanks, I don't need BraXi on my Xfire. Edit: Anyways, I'll stop arguing, guess it's better to stay ontopic. Edit 2: Edited the post in response to BraXi's edited. The downvote system is there for a reason, it's simply to state they do not agree with your statements.
  6. Oh? You seriously think there's no mappers out there who know what portalling is and/or how to do it? Well think again... I for one know exactly how to portal and I bet there's a couple others who know too. Instead of making false assumptions implying every mapper is a dumbass check your facts before bitching. Also, if you're so brilliant at portalling yourself, then how come none of your maps are portalled? I am sick of seeing you bitch about every tiny thing you can come up with (and I'm sure a LOT of others are too), you yourself haven't done most of the things you're complaining about yourself. And to be honest, some of the things you complain about are total bullshit too *cough* C++ isn't the only viable scripting language for games *cough*. This kind of behaviour is the kind that people with self confidence issues often show, trying to make others feel less than you to boost your ego. I wonder, do you have self confidence issues? As that is how you are coming across if you ask me. After your actions, such as telling basically the whole dr community to go kill theirselves, you try to become part of the community again but constantly bitch and act like a 12 year old about everything she sees. That is NOT the way to try and gain the repsect of the community again. Done ranting, now grow up and stop whining.
  7. Good luck Bear, best application I've seen yet!
  8. It's a lot more fun and rewarding when you stop bitching. :dumb: If you think the fun in making a game is driven by the programming language and/or engine you use, then go quit game dev inmediately as there's obviously something wrong with your motives.
  9. Good luck Twix! :)
  10. Happy birthday Kratos, have a nice one! :3
  11. What resolution is that? o_O Edit: Nvm, I'm dumb, could've looked at screenshot in new tab. :dave:
  12. Decided to get rid of performance mode so I can use custom themes again, SMEXY AS HELL:
  13. GML. Ugh... I need to check my clips after recording them from now on... -.- I'm a terrible editor. :dave:
  14. Litterly just finished uploading the trailer: (So much effort went into making this... :dave:) There will be an open beta starting 7/21 on Desura: > Posts update 1 day after another update. :wat:
  15. Do you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?: Jordy Rymenants What is your in-game name?: GCZ|Slaya How old are you?: 15 What is your primary server?: Deathrun (I play CO from time to time too, but not too often) What is your B3 CID?: @28795 What is your Xfire?: jrimaginebe What is your Skype?: JR-Imagine What is your Steam?: JR-Imagine What is your Origin?: JR-Imagine What makes you a good admin?: I've never administrated/moderated a server before but I have forum administrating/moderating eperience from a couple different sites I've been part of. From these experiences I know how to handle things, when to ban and when not to ban etc. I can be mature when needed but like having a good laugh from time to time. :) What skills do you have?: Scripting, being a noob mapper, game dev, web dev, I speak a tiny bit of Latin, French and German, ... What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I'm currently admin/site technician at GCZ, a world at war custom zombies modding forum/community. Why should we choose you?: I want to keep the game fun for everyone, meaning keeping hackers/cheaters out to improve everyone's experience. I obey the rules and enforce them (even now, when I'm not an admin I try to lead people into the right direction). I'm quite active on DR and have a l33t undercover name (which most people already now, but k) so I can catch hackers/cheaters/any other rulebreakers. If anyone still has any questions, feel free to ask. :> Ps: I'm a nub at filling out forms. :dave:
  16. Thanks guyz! :> This. ^
  17. How is it confusing? It faces straight at your mouse pointer. xD Edit: Got something for hardcore, as 1 hit dead is too hard imo, how about no health regeneration and no powerups?
  18. Dis guy... Fast as light. o_O Seems like a nice guy, good luck Pulse!
  19. That gets impossible extremely fast, but I'll see. ;)
  20. yo

    Welcome to the forums Synd! :)
  21. So ye... I kinda forgot about this topic and posted a gameplay video of the new Arcade mode coming to the next Beta a while ago: Ideas for this mode are always welcome! :)
  22. Sounds like a plan! Inb4 uses :dave:
  23. I'm down, as long as the time is GMT+1 friendly.
  24. Welcome to the forums! Red is kewl as long as your name's not Lossy. ;)
  25. Going out tomorrow... Time to get drunk :dave:

    1. Kratos
    2. Triton
    3. ~Budzy~


      You're hard, wouldn't wanna go near you! I do that ever odd day :dumb: