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Everything posted by atrX

  1. And the point everyone else trying to make is he needed it for college to do music production in a software only available on OS X...
  2. Run software only developed for Mac? :dave:
  3. He needs it for college...
  4. Not in MP, unfortunately.
  5. Tell that to Ghosts.
  6. First Anti, then Caspa, then Triton and now Mo?! :cry:

    1. siikdude


      Because no one plays cod 4 anymore

    2. Volti


      Traitors i tell you!!

      Don't worry though, i won't leave you alone.

    3. Anti


      I blame this domino effect of retiring on Slaya's trial server manager. That truly was the point in which we lost hope :troll:

  7. Treeeton y u do dis, we ned moar old skool kidz on da team. :okay:
  8. *Darth Vader voice* Nooooooooooo! :cry: You'll be missed dearly, admin team won't be the same without you. Good luck pursuing your rugby (:troll:) career!
  9. As @@Bear already said, GSC doesn't support reference arguments so you'll just have to store the return value into your array variable. arrayTest() { test = []; test[0] = 1; for(;;) { // Store return value into the variable test = addArray( test ); iPrintLn( test[0] ); wait .5; } } addArray( num ) { num[0]++; // Return entire array instead return num; } Though, this is majorly inefficient and really doesn't have any point to it.
  10. Because there is no point? No traffic would reach the main machine because the 'firewall machine' would have all of its bandwidth hogged.
  11. You can't protect yourself from DDOS attacks by simply putting a firewall between you and the attacker(s) (Raid already has a firewall anyway). The whole point of a DDOS attack is to flood a server with requests so it can't handle them, a firewall would still have to filter each and every request resulting in no effect. Firewalls were never meant for DDOS protection and never will be. The only way to mitigate a DDOS attack is to simply have more bandwidth available than the attacker, something a community run off donations simply can't afford.
  12. Quick google image search:
  13. Congrats on reaching the trial stage @Grandpa and welcome aboard the blue team @Volti!
  14. Happy birthday Lossy!
  15. As some of you might know, I'm a scripting addict. :dave: So I came up with this: Let'e say we all work together to make a fun mod with the most random things in it, to do this we obviously need some scripts! Everyone adds a couple lines of code onto the script (not too many, let's say about 10-15 lines max). I'll start out: (please use hastebin, we don't need huge code boxes) Someone format this properly please, on my iPod so I can't TAB. :
  16. The feels when you get a free GTX 660 to take home at your internship because they don't use it. :D

  17. Someone's not heard of Gameloft before :dave: (Modern Combat, Asphalt, Gangstar, ...)
  18. Media Markt, but English people wouldn't know that Bosnian... 9 letters.
  19. *bump* :awesome:
  20. :troll:
  21. Can also verify IPs of clients against a database of admins through B3 or passing a request directly from the server (though, you'll need to know C socket programming for that :rolleyes: ). May I ask why you'd want to use an admin menu? Wouldn't B3 or MAM be a more viable option?
  22. Happy birthday Treeton! :D
  23. Hi Teddy! Welcome to the forums you Dutchnub! :)
  24. I'll check out the CFGFactory link when I get home from school and see if I can find the issue. First bit is the name, second the description, so he does need a comma. ;) Edit: Tested on my local deathrun mod and the model's working fine. Include line: xmodel,shadow And the characterTable.csv line: 13,12,30,shadow_m,shadow,viewhands_black_kit,Shadow the Hedgehog,Just a hedgehog.,