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About Conker

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/08/00

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  • Interests
    Filling out fields on internet sites entitled "interests" in which no one will ever really read anyway. I could just type about randon crap here and noone will ever really see it. See me typing about crap that no one will ever read. Blah blah blahbah blah blah yep typing about nothing. I could even misspel crap or make up a word: klop-hum

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    probably the worst thing on this planet

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79284 profile views
  1. Been with Raid since it was created, pretty crazy to see it slowly die out and now merge with pXg. was never a fan of the pXg members/admins that I had actually talked to, but since I don't play cod4 anymore it's not really a big deal. good luck with the merge, I think it's the best thing for you guys. Like beatthat said, hopefully it doesn't turn into that 7'sR and Rv situation..
  2. Anybody wanna catch me up on what's happened in the past couple months? What the fuck

  3. good luck have fun playing soccer ​edit: why be in users instead of retired admins?
  4. here's the better picture I was talking about​
  5. I'm back

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Anti


      Guess who's back, back again, Conker is back, tell a friend.

      Welcome back nub and don't worry about your new game, sure it'll be decent-ish :P

    3. Conker


      ayeee. I have to worry about that stuff man

    4. Twix


      welcome back friendo

  6. I love you
  7. ill post a better picture later​
  8. So that's what the snapchat was about huh? Haven't been on my laptop lately so just finally read this. When I first met you I thought you were either black or russian because of a youtube video you made and I was surprised to find out you were just a white mofo. I'm proud of what you've done done for raid and that you're joining the Navy even though the Air Force is the way to go. Have fun in Chi Town bud, I love you. Also that video was fucking hilarious and perfect, I definitely understood why you thought of me :wub:
  9. ?
  10. Thank you for the kind words and donation.
  11. appeh birfdeh
  12. happy birthday fellow squirrel
  13. That's actually a pretty cool way of showing your support. Too bad I don't have a chroma.
  14. hello im dark