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  1. No Spang me man we have All the Time
  2. This is a great tool man can you please release it
  3. If you finish it its going to bring Cod4 customization to a whole new level
  4. Haha this option is epic man ty.
  5. ill ask him it later then ty.
  6. yea i was already thinking why the fuck do i see deodorant pictures :wacko: but as far i know you will still see the texture blue inside radiant, if not please show us how you did this magical trick.
  7. The word perspirant is like the same as a terrain patch on 50% from its alpha. Translated a word from the Netherlands and it said perspirant, thought because you were from England you would know :daveunicorn:
  8. Yea the names from the water help to pick one but you still need to compile the map and look at the water ingame to make a judgement of it its good or bad looking. ty that you try to describe how to make real looking water in radaint, and give me a link for a tutorial. :lol: lol
  9. This is how far realistic water in cod4 can go. Well you could ofcourse make a terrain patch under the water and make the water patch slightly perspirant. Unless they made a preview options for water in radiant they really do look the same Lossy.
  10. well then your'e lucky because this is just a random water texture, still need to find the best looking one but in radaint all the water textures look pritty much the same =,=
  11. yea i tryed to polishing the rough edges off of it :D
  12. !New Deathrun map! here is a little preview
  13. Rednose if you can add beautiful detial like this for a map with normale gamemode imagen if you finish one of your deathrun maps :lol: