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About JaxDeathrun

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  1. and no I didnt lol
  2. 100% Sure
  3. Lol me and google did it together and were not taking anything from anyones mod lel ME AND GOOGLES MOD IS MADE FROM SCRATCH
  4. Alright Thanks Guys :) //Fixed
  5. My Server says connection interrupted and then crashes because of this ^1******* script runtime error ******* undefined is not a field object: (file 'braxi/_mod.gsc', line 453) self spawnSpectator( level.spawn["spectator"].origin, level.spawn["spectator"].angles ); * ^1called from: (file 'maps/mp/gametypes/deathrun.gsc', line 68) self braxi\_mod::playerConnect(); * ^1called from: (file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_callbacksetup.gsc', line 64) [[level.callbackPlayerConnect]](); * ^1started from: (file 'maps/mp/gametypes/deathrun.gsc', line 67) self waittill("begin");
  6. i can use it but no text shows up on the panel
  7. ik i replaced it and it didnt work still
  8. any help?
  9. whats the gsc file called again?
  10. for some reason the admin menu is not working http://i.imgur.com/sOgp2jJ.png
  11. yep Didnt see that lel
  12. Still not working I moved the deathrun and serverimg from the source - https://github.com/BraXi/CoD4_DeathRun_1.2_Mod/tree/master/deathrun_dev and the flip knife material and still didnt work. It says it has to be a certain version and its not that version. Any Clue?
  13. I have them in the folder materials and material_properties Thank You Lossy
  14. Error When I was compiling my mod -