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Everything posted by Cat

  1. I can agree with you on that one, however I'm not saying that he made an impact on the community, just many people looked to his maps as an example of what a good map is, regardless of super-cool FX, scripting and whatnot, like ruin2, or towards the glass series. Sure, he may not have been impactful by helping people or teaching them, but his maps still had quite a big impact.
  2. OH my god, I almost forgot about IZartaXI (The guy who remade Seatown and Bakaara from MW3, nearly perfect remakes in my opinion.)
  3. PetX,Col!ar, R3MIEN, and the team at 4GF, always would look forward to playing their maps. Rycoon, pretty sure deathrun wouldn't be here today without his contributions both to the mod itself and the mapping community. Mieep Mieep (mp_deathrun_short, for those who don't recognize the name.) I would say BraXi, but technically the only map I've ever played that's hers is Darkness and Long. I've seen her WIP's and all the potential that's there, just none of those maps are ever released, so I've never had the chance to play them and technically be part of my favorite mappers, which Darkness and Long, despite their fun, don't quite give me the appeal of a "favorite mapper" Same goes for Lossy, for that matter. :dave: Xenon of course, always puts time and effort into his maps, regardless of whether they're super high-detail or not, they always have the theme fit perfectly. He finds a theme and sticks to it, and it really makes the maps pop. Take Qube for example., it's a basic map, but the coloring he chose to put in each section and the lighting really make that map stand out, despite the simpleness of it. I'd have to think, there are quite a few authors out there, just don't know all of them. Quite a few maps I've played that I've really enjoyed and respected because I've known of the time it must have taken them to put into it, but of course I have no idea who's map they are. :okay: EDIT: Rednose, DUH. Forgot about him until I hit "post" and then was like "OH I FORGOT ABOUT REDNOSE".
  4. Don't care if it's a joke or not, suicide ain't funny.
  5. Loki finally reconnected our dedi xD Servers running again lel

    1. PC.


      loki is an idiot dont trust him :troll:

  6. Home hosting is significantly known to be pretty crappy, it's really only good for when you want to throw it up for your friends to play on it for an hour or so. Home hosting has bad ping, no redirect(unless you install a webserver on your home PC, but then you rely on your internet upload to create a redirect, and it's usually super super super slow), and it requires a half-decent computer. Not to mention if you want to host a server AND play a game using the same computer, it puts a lot of stress on your computer. Depending on your Mac, odds are it won't host a server very well at all, not to mention hosting and playing. That video that Purity posted was one I made a year or two ago, it still works almost the same, just try to follow what you can, and comment on the video if you need help I guess, I'll do what I can to help considering I haven't used Mac OSX in ages.
  7. What map from Combat Arms could this possibly remind you of? I played combat arms for years...I still go back to it occasionally. And not one map comes to mind that reminds me of a Quarantine Regen map from CA.
  8. And by that he means me. :dave:
  9. I've gotten a 8192 tile before, the game is really simple once you know the trick to beating it. I believe my high-score is somewhere in the 40 thousands, I can't go check right now because my phone is dead. :cry: I'm not gonna share the secret, because it really actually ruins the fun of playing and it becomes extremely boring once you beat it and realize how easy it really is. :S If you want to know it that badly just PM me I guess, or just google it xD It's out there somewhere. On a side note, I'm surprised people are still playing this game, kids at my school were playing this around spring break time, when Flappy Bird had it's big uprising.
  10. This question is referred more towards @BraXi, the Motherboard you suggested has AMD Crossfire support, but I don't see any support for SLI? (For those who don't know, SLI/AMD Crossfire are the technologies implemented by nVidia and AMD to allow for multiple graphics cards to be used wihin the same machine). Braxi, I'm not sure if it matters, but does a motherboard with Crossfire Support automatically also have SLI support? Also, since you have a 760 you don't need to SLI anyways, but it's just a precaution in case you ever do feel the need to(which you shouldn't).
  11. Ah, Warsaw. All the glory throughout that uprising, and how those involved were able to overcome their starvation, poor hygeine, and cramped living conditions to actually put up a significant resistance towards the Nazi's. I took a class last semester on The Holocaust, and we spent a significant amount of time on the Warsaw ghetto and the resistance. The movie "Warsaw Uprising" was a significant piece in that part of the class, and if I remember it's quite accurate, not to mention a great watch and I HIGHLY recommend watching it, for those of you who wish to learn more. WW2 was truly horiffic, from the ghettos, extermination camps, the storming of the beaches at Normandy, the dropping of the atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and so much more. There's a reason history classes all over the world spend so much time on this sensitive subject, since there is so much trauma and death around the topic. To you Poles, congratulations on honoring the 70th anniversary of this event, and I hope this tradition will last for many more years to come. As a side note, Enes, I don't even know how to reply to you, and I don't want to start a flame war, so I'm basically going to say this: We're allied with Israel, but as far as I can tell, the whole issue going on over there has nothing to do with the US. We don't supply Israel with anything really, Israel has one of the most powerful militaries on the planet, just they're very small. If Israel's army was the size of the United States' army, Israel would have world domination by now. If you wish to refute me, please either start a topic or PM me, my statements may not be 100% true, and if somebody knows more than I do please feel free to correct me, just not on this topic. Please leave this topic to the honoring of the 70th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.
  12. Can you please explain what Portaling is?
  13. Here, try this. I switched out the mobo, don't remember if I switched anything else because I did this earlier and my dad was yelling to get off the comp before I could post it. ;__; Hopefully it's still within your price budget as well.
  14. @siik, the mobo matters quite a lot actually. The motherboard determines your RAM speed, the kind of CPU you can put in, and the chipset. Different chipsets are optimized for different tasks, so it can greatly effect what you're doing. There's a reason it's called the "mother"board. Your WHOLE computer connects to it and it's the central piece of your whole PC.
  15. I see so many things wrong in this thread, I'm going insane. ;__; What BraXi said is correct, 500W is perfectly fine, the Gold rating will keep your CPU efficient as well. Sorry Bosnian, I've sorta learned to ignore you on most of your PC advice, most of it is awful. Maybe something gets lost in the translation. ;__; As for your Motherboard, I recommend getting a different one. Don't get an H chipset. I have an H67 in mine, and I never really realized how much better I could have done until I plugged it in. My computer runs beautifully, but I hear about people who use the Z87 chipset instead for their 3rd-generation intel CPU's and I heard it really improves it. But, I could be wrong, just my experience. Your RAM is nice, 2x4 is better with Dual-Channel like BraXi said. Uhh, if you could put all of these into a PCPartPicker link, it would be much easier than trying to piece together 4-5 different screenshots with different parts on each. If you can do that, I'll try to help some more.
  16. For $400, it's not too shabby. With a budget that low though, you're locked to AMD CPU's which are specifially tailored for gaming, and won't perform very well in anything else. AMD's are pretty good at gaming, but there are other CPU's out there that can perform better than AMD's. If any one of you tries to start a rant about whether or not Intel or AMD is better, I'm deleting those posts instantly. Those aren't contributing to the topic and if you wish to debate it create a topic elsewhere. What I've stated is a proven fact anyways, so there's really not much to debate there. I'm not saying AMD's are bad, I'm not saying Intel CPU's are a must-have for serious gamers and what not. That's besides the point. //back to topic. ALRIGHTY THEN. I also recommend a 2GB Video Card if you can find one for that cheap. With an AMD-based build, based on my knowledge AMD GPU's perform better with AMD CPU's and whatnot. I did a quick search and came up with this. It's a 2GB R7 260X, which in benchmarks slightly outperforms the 7770, and the 2GB will make sure you won't max out your VRAM. But odds are that this computer can't run most newer games anyways, so your friend may never even need the 2nd GB, however it's the same price and it won't hurt. For your RAM, it's always better to have 2x2GB sticks instead of 1x4GB stick. The more your RAM is spread out, the quicker your PC will be able to access the RAM and utilize it. Think of it as a pile of legos. Is it going to be easier to find the piece you're looking for in 1 4-inch high stack? Or in 2, 2-inch high stacks? Having the 2 stacks allows you to see more, and you can quickly find the part you're looking for. The same goes with RAM in PC's. I don't know much about AMD Motherboards and their Chipsets, so I can't really help you out there. But, upon looking at the CPU it doesn't have an L3 Cache. I don't know anything really about L3 caches, and cba to go look it up(even though I should). Most newer CPU's do have an L3 cache, so it may be worth looking that up seeing if it's worth to switch to a CPU with that little extra cache for quicker speeds. 500W is plenty for this build, no need to change the PSU. Nice choice with the WD hard drive. I prefer WD or Seagate, whichever one is on sale. :dave: Good luck!
  17. A GTX 650 with 2GB of VRAM couldn't run CoD4 at 125 FPS? I think you're out of your mind. I don't think you ever plugged it into your motherboard correctly. :dumb: Anyways, on topic, the map looks great, I hope you actually release this one. :troll: Also, I remember the old map you were working on when you/Darmuh/Lossy/Xenon all entered a mapping competition together, and it had a trap where you fell down, and barrels from both sides came together and would attack the jumper(s), and you had to shoot the barrels to make them explode before they killed you. That looked really cool, is it possible for you to implement that into this map, if it isn't already? I'm looking forward to the release, good luck to you and the completion!
  18. Alexandria Morgan Runs Strapless ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
  19. Added a poll at the top, so it's easier to keep track of what people think! But be careful, you can only vote for one!
  20. You said yourself a while ago that one of your zombies mod for CoD1 was like rotu, a never ending beta, :dumb: so I guess rotu isn't safe to work with either. :dumb:
  21. I very well remember you calling me a noob for activating like a week ago and then raged at me for explaining to you that's what the mod is for. You then rage quit a few rounds later. But oh well, that's besides the point. Glad to see you agreeing with us, it's the main reason the team here decided to remove Free Run from the mod: so that activators could activate again.
  22. TIL that the UWOTM8 meme originated from 2 people actuallly being heroes. UWOTM8 was just added later after to a screenshot of one of the kid's faces after an interview.

  23. *sigh* Instead of just bashing a product, why don't you explain WHY you think this way? It's the same thing with posting a bug report. I'm reading this the same way as somebody jsut walking up to me and saying, "It doesn't work" I seriously don't even want to respond at all and it sorta actually makes me mad when people have these opinions/want help but have absolutely ZERO evidence to back it up. Anyways, back to the topic please.
  24. Acer makes perfectly fine gear....I don't know what you're talking about. Just because you've had a bad experience with one of their products doesn't mean their whole brand is bad. Also, to Kratos, he isn't looking for a gaming laptop, he's looking for a more work-style laptop. Sure, some gaming laptops will work, but you gotta read more about what he's actually requesting.