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About Darmuh

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  • Birthday 06/18/95

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  1. so what, if anything, will carry over from here to pxg? Will pxg recognize past raid donators as pxg donators? That and retired admins are 2 of the largest groups on raid :>
  2. at least 2 years ago considering I said I was 19 honestly sounds like a re-upload to me but who knows. I haven't followed gawley in a long time
  3. Looks pretty nice. We won't know much though until we see some PC gameplay... What I really wanna know is if they patched bouncing. Kinda what made cod4 unique... Me personally, I might get infinite warfare for the single player. Don't care much for the multiplayer since I'm a Counter-Strike addict these days :>
  4. If I Recall Correctly, the endmap should work; considering older maps used to replace weapon skins with their own. Not sure though, I'd test it out locally and see what happens. Also, (another IIRC) pretty sure you cant have more than one skybox in a cod4 map. Again, not sure if i'm right but I kind of remember looking into that sort of thing before. Might just be that you can't use two different skybox textures though
  5. make sure you eventually show the player again at some point in your script (like round end) because I dont think the mod has any round start functions which show the player. I could be wrong though.
  6. whats something I can do to further my interest in coding? Looking back I really enjoyed scripting for cod4 because of the instant feedback it provides in that you can see your changes in-game. But, I have no interest in ever playing/modding cod4 again... Any suggestions/ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. jwofles


      sims 4 uses python ;))

    3. Pphelix


      Well since you liked the feedback aspect you could venture into other games as some others suggested. You've got the likes of Minecraft, CSGO, games that support Oxide - http://docs.oxidemod.org/7-days-to-die/#advanced-get-method, Black Ops 3 etc.. If you have interest in a particular language just learn that language, I liked Python because of it's syntax so i started with Python.

      Should you want to learn a different language after learning one already, having that knowledge from the first language makes learning a new language a whole lot easier anyway, even the GSC will help you.

      Go based on what you want to do, My inspiration was Phaedrean's forest generation video and I made a basic command type program, then i added GUI and more capabilities.

    4. Darmuh


      thanks for all the suggestions guys. Im kinda busy in the process of moving but once the move is over and i'm settled I'll definitely be looking into some of this stuff :)

  7. it's literally just player hide(); or self hide(); or level.activ hide(); depending on the context of the script of course. then when you want them to not be invisible you do a show(); so if the script were using the context of self it'd be self show(); Combine that with spooky fx being played on the hidden player for extra fun. If you ever download twitch sources you can see how I used the function in trap06() aka the ufo trap.
  8. Using other people's work as a foundation for your own and giving credit for said foundation is almost a textbook example of how Linux and most other open-source projects work in the real world.  But that's really none of my business is it.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. siikdude
    3. Darmuh


      its not illegal for the mod to exist, it's illegal for the mod to be sold.

      2 different things

    4. siikdude


      Wow I thought it was 4 different things 

  9. What the hell happened in this topic @Jwofles You should be able to look in mp_dr_twitch's scripts for a way to start/stop sounds. Pretty sure I did something like that but I'm not 100% sure. Just saying a look in there might help. If you find something useful feel free to use it however you'd like. I've never considered scripts to be anything but open-source anyway.
  10. A trail script can only be written one or two ways though. So again, why reinvent the wheel?
  11. I see nothing wrong with using other people's work as long as credit is given. Why force yourself to reinvent the wheel?
  12. Why are my only options for this always or not now?

    Need a never option watdefak

    1. jwofles


      lol i thought you used chrome?

    2. Darmuh


      @jwofles nah i switched to firefox a while back for better perfomance

  13. I remember recommending this a long time ago and no one was interested. This was like a year ago tho so perhaps now people's opinions have changed. I still think if deathrun had cs-like movement it'd be pretty neat. If you guys end up doing that lemme know so i can check it out Also saw someone else recommend adding cherry, idk if this is still a problem but for some reason cherry wouldnt work with newer versions of the deathrun mod, as it'd only work with 1.2. I dont remember the exact error but it'd take some troubleshooting to get it up on the server