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Everything posted by Darmuh

  1. Not sure if placebo but since I switched I have felt like I've been playing better I also lowered my mouse sensitivity and added 1.11 mouse acceleration a few weeks ago which improved my aim quite a lot
  2. No. I swim slow and would probably just get eaten by some sea creature. As a parent would you rather have a son who is a furry or a daughter who is a pornstar? yes = son no = daughter
  4. No Would you be rich but ugly rather than poor but gorgeous?
  5. Spoiler: it wont
  6. What I find funny is I found Nova back in the day via promod sniping mods. WAYYYYY before I found out about Nova Deathrun xD
  7. This is the mindset I like to keep. When I play I keep in mind that I am capable of beating anyone, be it a random guy or flusha himself. Because in the end we're all playing the same game and years of experience dont give you anything that you can't get on your own. There are no OP classes or perks that give one player an advantage over the other. We're all on an equal playing field. Experience only gives you knowledge about the game (timings, angles, etc.) which will not make you invincible. Confidence goes a long way in this game.. If you go into an aim-duel thinking you'll win chances are you will. If you are stuck in a 1v2 and dont believe you can do it chances are you wont. It's that simple. To swing this back around to the original topic: If every time you get outplayed you call hax, you'll never learn how to prevent getting outplayed again. Sure there are plenty of real hackers out there, but do yourself a favor and figure out how you could win that duel the next time (unless they're blatantly spinbotting/walling), and be confident you will. You can still add fishy players to your vacstatus list, but dismissing anything a better player does as hacks will not help you improve on your own. /endrant
  8. It is possible for sentient life to be created within different environments to our own. To be intelligent life does not require you to be human.
  9. guess who got an early access code to play the battlefront beta early? ^.^ http://i.imgur.com/JQa79Gf.png

  10. Am supreme with 411 wins, have only run into ~5 hackers out of all of those games.
  11. from the moddb page:
  12. They've already found water on mars, which is a strong indicator of at least microbial life there. And that's just what we've discovered on the planet closest to us, imagine what else is out there to find.
  13. smite is a fun free game. Way better than LoL or Dota imo
  14. should make a pinstriped ak (black with purple stripes) to match raid's newest theme
  15. but i love frag radio ;_;
  16. I started at GN1, everyone starts somewhere.
  17. When i'm rich i'm hitting this up for all my rich man skin deals http://csgo.steamanalyst.com/hotdeals

  18. It's like this on any server that has frag radio.
  19. Your english reminds me of starfire from Teen Titans with that said good luck, you'd probably be one of the first Japanese admins
  20. I now know how tilak feels... sorta
  21. This is murican comms
  22. NA pros > finnish pros (not the ones I played tho xD)